Thank you all for joining us today for our Reading Curriculum Subject Showcase. Once again, our children and staff really enjoyed the morning and the positive feedback is gratefully received.
Bikeability is the Government’s flagship cycling training programme and is designed to give young people the skills and confidence to ride on today’s roads. Bikeability has been adopted as the chosen cycle training scheme by all but two local authorities in England.
Welcome back! We hope you have all had a restful half-term break. Our children returned full of energy this week and are all excited about the half-term ahead. As we continue to see our Enrichment Program evolve, children look forward to upcoming trips, visits and visitors. Please keep up to date with our Key Dates list available on the newsletter.
We all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
Thank you to FOSA and all of our families for your continued support. It was smashing to see so much colour including pink and red in school in support our Valentines themed non uniform day!