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A huge benefit of being a part of a wider community and within the Eastern Multi Academy Trust is that we have a wealth of resources that we can share.

Mrs Kirk leads on Music at Upwell Academy. Our children are thoroughly enjoying our new singing assemblies. All children from Reception to Year 6 have regular singing assemblies with Mrs Kirk, they have been learning a repertoire of songs and sound wonderful!

We are lucky enough this half term to be able to use the Trust's new ukuleles! This week Year 1 had the opportunity to use them. Year 1 looked at how to hold the ukulele properly, the names of different parts of the ukulele and how to strum the strings. Over the half term, Mrs Kirk will be working closely with staff and classes to ensure every child has the opportunity to play. This is a wonderful opportunity to further develop our music skills and inspire future musicians!

Thank you to Mr Cresswell, our School Improvement Director and Mrs Kirk for organising this!