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Weeky Update 05th November 2021

Year R  

A very busy first week back, we have learned 4 new sounds, r, j, v and y. In English we started our new story ‘Owl Babies’, this has also been the basis of our art work where we have been drawing, painting and printing owls. We have been learning about nocturnal and diurnal animals and about animals that hibernate in the winter. In maths we have been learning about the properties and names of 2D shapes as well as continuing a repeating pattern, we have also been learning positional language and seeing if we can use it correctly. Our PE lessons this half term are gymnastics based and this week we learnt the 4 basic shapes. Well done Teddies 


Year 1  

We have had a wonderful first week back in Rousseau class. We have started a new Geography topic with Miss Corbett, all about the United Kingdom and have learned that it is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We have started a Science topic for this half term, Seasons and the Weather, and have been looking at the four seasons. You might have heard that there was some dragon like things left in the classroom over half term and this has inspired our new story for English, The Legend of George and the Dragon. This week we have been learning the story map. In PE we have started dance and today we used streamers to dance like fireworks. A very busy week and I know lots of children are looking forward to seeing fireworks this weekend! 


Year 2 

 It has been an exceptionally busy first week back after half term. We have been finishing off our work on addition and subtraction in maths and reinforcing the use of different methods including a number-line.  

In English we have introduced a new text type –Stories and we have shared the Traditional Tale of Little Red Riding Hood. We have written detailed character descriptions for the main characters, including the Big Bad Wolf.  

In History we have started our unit about the Egyptians and had great fun Wednesday afternoon being archaeologist, exploring artefacts closely. Regardless of the colder weather, we have all thoroughly enjoyed making more time to complete the daily mile and we are challenging ourselves to beat our personal bests. It’s been great to speak with parents this week, remember: keep reading to move up our Reading at Home Mountain and enjoy practising your times tables. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. 


Year 3 

It has been a very busy first week back after half term. We have been finishing off our work on addition and subtraction in maths. In English we have started to look at how non-fiction books are organised and have completed work about using the contents and index pages. We have also been practising using dictionaries and glossaries. In science we have started our unit about magnetism and had great fun yesterday afternoon finding out which materials around the classroom were magnetic. In history we have been finding out more about the Ancient Greek Olympic games. We have even managed to fit in some counting and calculating numbers in French! 


Year 4 

We have a new board for TEAM ACE this half term - it is mootivation and we all have a cow that shows if we have achieved TEAM ACE behaviour.  

In PE we have been doing gymnastics making symmetrical balances. We used the PE equipment in the hall. We really enjoyed our lesson. In maths we have been dividing by 10, 100 and 1. We are all fab at this. We performed a play in English to help us understand stage directions. 

We found out why the English Civil war happened. We would all be good kings, except for a few of us... but no one was a bad a Charles I! In science we have been learning about how muscles work.  

Some of us went to watch Peterborough United on Tuesday - it was a good match. 


Year 5 

Well done Year 5 for a fantastic first week back! This week, we have been learning about the legend of Robin Hood and analysing a number of characters from these legends in order to write some detailed character descriptions.  

In maths, we have been recapping addition and subtraction with decimals as well as using rounding to estimate an answer to a problem. 

We have spent some time thinking about how our messages can be interpreted in different ways when online this week. We tested this through trying to express ourselves using only 3 emojis. It was very challenging and it was extremely clear that people could interpret these emoji combinations in a number of ways.  

In computing, we built Milo the Science Rover using Lego and then used the iPad to do some coding, in order to make the rover move forwards and backwards. 


Year 6 

What a lovely start to November it has been. In English, we have been looking at a book based in WW1 learning about what life was like on the battlefields, next week we are delving into the trenches to get the finer details. We will then be writing our own letters home from the trenches. In Maths this week we have finished our unit on the four operations, looking at square and cube numbers, BODMAS and applying all of our knowledge to solve problems. In RE, this week we have been looking at the Journey of Life from a Christian’s perspective, yesterday we looking at the ‘way of life’ today we are going to look at the Holy Communion.  We have even managed to fit in some Lego Coding and French places in a town.  

As the weather continues to changes, please can you ensure the children have a change of shoes for break time and lunch time. We will still use the field as much as we can as it is a lovely space.  

On Monday, I posted about our upcoming school trip on the 2nd December, I will repost the link below which contains more information and the permission form. 

Thank you to everyone who signed up for our online parent’s evening. As mentioned in those meetings, I will be starting after school intervention again on a Tuesday, with a Maths focus this half-term. Please check your messages to see if your child has been invited and to complete the permission form. 

Thank you again for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the fireworks! 🎆