Following our Maths Subject Showcase to parents' classes were immersed in maths for the whole day, completing activities directly linked to their classes' professions.
EYFS: Number Day in Cygnet Class was absolutely awesome! We continued our Chinese New Year topic and integrated numbers into our learning by creating 2D shape dragons.
In music, we have been exploring The Teddy Bears' Picnic, so we incorporated maths into our activities by sharing equal amounts of food. We discussed who had more, who had fewer, and why it is fair to share equally. It was a fantastic way to combine storytelling, music, and maths in a fun and meaningful way!
We also enjoyed reading Spinderella along with many other wonderful stories that integrated maths into our learning. These stories helped us explore numbers in an engaging and exciting way, making maths even more fun!
The children also loved hearing all about Miss Stacey as a police officer and how maths in integrated within her profession. Well-done Cygnets!
Year 1 were Artists: We had a fantastic day in Year one celebrating maths and learning about how it is used in lots of different professions. In particular, we explored how artists use maths to make their creations. We started the day learning about repeating patterns and identifying different points of repetition. The children were able to identify lots of ways a pattern can be repeating for example colour, shape or size. They had lots of fun extending patterns and creating their own.
After lunch, we put out skills to the test and made our very own stained-glass windows. To do this we had to halve our paper learnt that means to spilt it into two equal parts. We then made repeating patterns using 2d shapes along the folds. Some of us even chose to make their colour choices a repeating pattern to. They looked amazing! We have some very talented artists and mathematicians here in year 1!
Year 2 and Year 4 had the responsibility of being zookeepers with Year 4 having the added role of managing a zoo! Our children had to work with data, area, perimeter, & number, and use & apply all of those to being creative, designing a zoo with as many different animals as possible (housed in sufficient space to meet varying criteria), with pedestrian access to all enclosures but no wasted space. They worked well together and were very creative in their designs!
Year 3: Today Year 3 have been bakers! They have explored using measurements, money including finance and working to a budget. This linked very nicely with their visit to Pizza Express this week. They were tasked with a role play exercise where they were shop keepers and customers and had to consider the maths involved and work strategically to problem solve. We also had a times table competition where the children worked together to work out answers to a game show type quiz. A fantastic day of maths.
Year 5: took on the role of Structural Engineers has been so much fun in Year 5 today. Our children were tasked to build a bridge a specific length wide to support as much weight as possible. They had limited resources and first had to investigate different shapes to find out which will be better at absorbing load. They also worked on teamwork and strategy skills as essential to the role. The class were exceptional!
Year 6: RAF Officer. Year 6 children discovered the RAF started with very basic planes, equipment and uniforms. They learnt how aircraft has changed shape through time, as we learned more about flying and as aircraft had different jobs as time moved on, they changed their shape so they could fly faster or higher. They designed their own aircraft using the ideas and shapes, taking careful consideration of symmetry and the shapes of the wings. They then launched their aircrafts exploring distance and speed!
It was a great day and a wonderful way to celebrate Maths Day!