Weekly Update 7th January 2022
Year R
It was so lovely to see all the children back looking refreshed and keen this week. We started our new topic of ‘Long ago’. In maths and phonics, we reviewed learning from last half term – consolidating our numbers 1-4 and our set 1 sounds. In English we looked at our first traditional tale of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and the children wrote some lovely lists of the contents of Red Riding Hood’s basket and wonderful descriptions of the setting of the story. In history, we looked at things that we knew had happened in the past and they were given the year 1666 to ask about at home. In art they began to paint their own traditional story setting using water colours. We also welcomed our student Miss Waite to the class, who will be joining us over the next few weeks. What a busy week already!
Year 1
It is so lovely to be back at school! It has been a short week but we have been busy. We have been recapping numbers to 20 so that we are ready to move onto adding and subtracting next week. In English we read a book called Meerkat Mail and are looking at Postcards. We have started a new Art topic which this term is Line. We used different lines to draw a penguin and a park. We have also started a new Geography topic which this term will be the 7 continents. We learned a catchy song to help us remember their names and we will look into each continent in the coming weeks.
Year 2
It was fabulous to see everyone's happy faces back in school on Wednesday, albeit being a short day for some. Thank you all for your understanding and support. Yesterday we were able to get into full flow of lesson – we were all scientists for the day, exploring the human body and specifically looking at the digestive system and how we can keep our bodies and our minds healthy by eating healthily and being active. We discussed teeth and hand hygiene and the importance of this, especially during the pandemic. The children were already very knowledgeable.
In computing, we have been looking closely at Internet Safety, pop-ups, stranger danger and keeping our personal information private. We also focused on what to do if you have any worries or concerns and how to ask for help. This raised some very god questions and conversation amongst the children.
We are looking forward to welcoming Miss Rengert, a student teacher on her final placement, who will join us in Year 2 from Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Year 3
It has been wonderful to have all the children back in school this week. We have been busy thinking about traditional tales that we know in English, including fairy tales and folk tales that we are familiar with. I am sure that some of the children will be keen to revisit some of these stories with you at home. In maths we are continuing our work with multiplication and division. However, the children are a bit rusty with the times tables that we had been learning before Christmas (3’s, 4’s and 8’s), so I would really appreciate your help with reminding the children to practise these as often as they can. One of the ways that they are able to practise is on Sumdog so please encourage their use of this. I will also be messaging you on Dojo soon with the children’s login details of another app that they can use to help them with their times tables. We have been celebrating our uniqueness in PSHE this week and thinking about how we can keep ourselves clean and healthy. We also learned the vocabulary that is used for the male and female body parts. We have also continued with our class story from before Christmas, The Iron Man.
Year 4
We have enjoyed our return to school and have started the New Year working hard. In maths, we have been learning about unit and non-unit fractions and equivalent fractions. In English, we have been reading biographies and identifying some features like: formal language, life events and chronological order. In Geography, we learned about the Marble Arch caves in Northern Ireland. We also found out how stalactites and stalagmites are formed – and how tights can help us remember which one is which. This afternoon, in art, we are starting a new unit about design.
(Hermione and Isla)
Year 5
First of all, welcome back!! It has been fantastic to see you all after a lovely, relaxing Christmas break. Over the past few days, we have started preparing for our new English unit - Treasure Island. We wrote a detailed character description for a pirate named Captain Jones, drawing on our own knowledge of pirates from films and other stories that we have read in the past. The big challenge was to describe this character through his actions. In Maths, we have been focusing on recapping area and perimeter from last term as well as focusing on our arithmetic skills such as the four main operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Long multiplication has been tricky and is something we continue to work hard at mastering! We have also spent some time thinking about our school value for this term which is 'Enjoy'.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Year 6
Welcome back everyone, it has been so lovely to see everyone back in school this year. Year 6 have returned with confidence and determination to do their best. We have had a great start to this term so far. So, a big well done to everyone!
In English, we have started our new story Street Child by Berlie Doherty. It is a gripping adventure all about Jim Jarvis and his family. In Maths, we have started our next unit all about decimals. In the afternoons, we have been thinking about New Year Resolutions and how the LORIC and TEAM ACE values can help us to achieve these. The children have each made a decoration for the classroom to celebrate the start of 2022.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.