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Weekly Update 23rd September 2022

Year R  

 Wow! Kerr Class, what an amazing start! We have been very busy and we are all settling into school life really well. In phonics we have learnt 7 sounds already...m, a, s, d, t, ‘i’ and n. In maths we have been counting and subitizing (recognising the number of items in a pattern without counting) and singing number songs. In English we have already completed and learnt our first story map and we have looked at rhyming words too. In science we have been learning the names of parts of the body. We have been experimenting with colour mixing the primary colours in art as well as creating our own self-portraits as well as portraits of the family. We have also been communicating memories from our pasts and talking about our families. In PE we have been learning some new games and playing some favourite ring games.  Every child has brought home a reading book now, please try to read as often as possible but a minimum of three times per week, please sign the reading records and ensure the children have this in school every day.  

We are so very proud of each and every one of them, lots of friendships are forming and they all seem to be loving school, well done Kerr class, have an amazing weekend! 


Year 1  

We have had a lovely couple of weeks in Year 1. Last week we innovated the poem Don’t by Michael Rosen, we used new rhyming words to create our own silly poem. This week we have been reading Julia Donaldson’s Room on the Broom. We have been exploring the characters and new vocabulary. In Maths we have been looking at numbers to 20, we have been representing them and comparing them. We have had a big focus on identifying our teen numbers and writing them the correct way around. In Art we are thoroughly enjoying learning about colour. We know the primary colours are red, yellow and blue, and that you can mix them to create the secondary colours, purple, orange and green. Our Science topic is ‘The 5 Senses’. This week we went on a sound walk around school and learned that sounds travel to us in invisible waves. So, a very busy first few weeks and the children have settled in wonderfully! I hope you have a restful weekend. 

Moving forward, I will be setting homework tasks each Friday. You will be able to access them through your child’s Dojo Portfolio. Upload evidence of your child completing the activity and I will award dojos accordingly, but please note once the activity is marked as completed you won’t be able to access it again. Children should bring their reading books and diaries to and from school each day and need to be reading a minimum of 3 teams a week. I will be awarding dojos for reading at home. If you have any questions please let us know at the end of the day. Thank you! 


Year 2:  

We have had a very busy start to the term but the children have all settled in really well into Year 2! I must thank you for having such wonderful children who are well mannered, hardworking and beginning to develop super independence skills! I am extremely excited for the year ahead. Thank you! 

In maths we have been building on our understanding of place value and the children have been working confidently with two and some three-digit numbers. In English we have been reading and responding to the traditional tale, Jack and Beanstalk which the children have really enjoyed rewriting and illustrating.  

In PSHE we have been thinking about how unique we are and what really makes us special. We have designed and created Namebows to celebrate us as individuals. In science we have introduced our topic on Animals and their Habitats.  

Moving forward homework will be set on a Friday. This will consist of spellings (which will be tested the following Friday) and a Maths challenge. Details of both of these will be issued on Dojo portfolio. Once complete please upload photos and I will award dojos accordingly. The children should be bringing their reading books and reading records to and from school every day. The children need to read a minimum of three times a week at home but ideally, they would be reading every day to get to the top of our reading mountain and for the chance of an award. We have already awarded two children and well done to all children that have been consistently read. Keep up the great work! 

If you have any questions or we can be of any assistance please catch me or Mrs Roberts at the end of the day. Have a great weekend. 


Year 3 

We have had a busy start to the term but the children have all settled in really well. We have just come to the end of our maths topic on place value and the children have been working confidently with three-digit numbers. In English we have been reading and responding to the story, Stone Age Boy which links to the work we have been doing about the Stone Age in history. In PSHE we have been thinking about healthy eating and what a healthy diet is. We have been finding out about how to read grid references in geography. In art we have continued to experiment with using line and we produced pictures of our hand and arm in the style of Henry Moore’s sketches. In science we used chocolate to show how different types of rock are made.  

Moving forward homework will be set on a Friday. This will consist of spellings (which will be tested the following Friday) and a Sumdog challenge. Details of both of these will be issued on Dojo portfolio. Once complete please upload photos and I will award dojos accordingly. The children should be bringing their reading books and reading records to and from school every day. The children really should be reading a home at least three times a week but ideally, they would be reading every day. If they are reading a Read Write Inc book this should be read three times to aid fluency and understanding. Once they have moved on to Big Cat books these only need to be read once. We have a box just inside the door where children need to put books when they need changing. We ask them to do this first thing in the morning, so a helpful reminder as you drop them off will be much appreciated. 

If you have any questions or we can be of any assistance please catch one of the Year 3 team at the end of the day when you collect the children. Have a great weekend. 

Year 4 

This week we have been looking closely at number lines to 10,000 in Maths - we are getting on well with this but must remember to look closely at the start and end figures on the line. 
We have continued to look at our environment in English. We were given the task to research facts and create our own information texts based on birds that we found. 
In History, we have been looking at Romans and recalling facts from previous learning. 
We all know where Rome is on the globe as we have been looking at this in Geography, as well as studying the lines of latitude and longitude! 
To finish our week, we are looking forward to PE and Art! 
Ruby and Isaac 


Year 5 

This week in maths, Year 5 have been looking at how to order and compare numbers up to 100,000. They have done this in many ways including number lines and using the greater and less than symbols. In English we have been reading Roald Dahl’s - The Witches. We planned and wrote a diary entry from the point of view of Grand High Witch. We have then proof read, edited and unlevelled. In PE, Year 5 had their last yoga session, they did very well remembering the names for the positions and calming stretches. Today we finished off with a Science experiment, where we looked at the dependent and independent variables when completing a experiment using different materials to test thermal conductivity and thermal insulators. 

Have a lovely weekend! 


Year 6 

What a busy start to the term we have had in Year 6. The children have settled in well and we have got off to a great start. In Maths, we are working through our unit on the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). In English, we are studying War Horse by Michael Morpurgo, so far, we have written diary entries, informal letters, pieces from alternative p.o.v as well as reading and GPS activities. In History, we have started our World War One unit and also spent time learning about the life and significance of Queen Elizabeth II. Our other new units are Spatial Sense (geography), The Human Body (Science), Italian Renaissance (Art) and The Weekend (French). What a busy few weeks already! 

Please see my previous post outlining the Year 5/6 Homework expectations for this year. If you do have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.  

Have a lovely weekend!