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Weekly Update 07th October 2022

Year R   

We have had a fun week this week in Kerr Class, we have been revising all the sounds learnt so far and we have also learnt two new sounds, o – all around the orange and c – curl around the caterpillar. In maths we have bee continuing to spot subitizing patterns in fruit and conkers. In English we have been using the story of ‘Ruby’s worry’, we have talked about what a worry might look like, where to go and what to do with a worry. We also drew our most favourite places.  

On Wednesday, we had the Outwell Fire Crew come and visit us. We were able to look at the equipment, wear a helmet, go in the appliance and squirt the hose. They helped us to know what to do if we had a fire in our homes and who to phone, we have been practising phoning 999 with toy phones back in class. On Thursday we went for a walk around the school, visiting some classes and finding some of the amazing things we are lucky enough to have at Upwell. In art, we have continued to look at the work of Jean Miro and we have tried to create our own as well as replicate some of his. Well done Kerr Class, keep up the hard work!   


Year 1  

Wow! Another busy week in Year 1. 

We have been continuing to look at addition and subtraction in Maths. This week we have been subtracting using concrete resources and exploring the relationship between addition and subtraction. In English we have started to look at another Julia Donaldson text, The Gruffalo. We have been sequencing the story and looking at character description. In Science we learned about a lady called Helen Keller, she was deaf and blind but still learned to talk, read and write. In Music this week we listened to a song about shapes and took it in turns to play the glockenspiel.  

We are lucky enough to have Miss Clark with us at the moment, she is a student teacher and will be with us until Christmas and then returning for the Summer term. 

There has been lots of homework to look at again this week which has been great. I will set a spelling and maths task through your child’s portfolio again. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Year 2 

Wow! Wow, Wow Another busy week in Year 2. 

We have finished our work in English on Story writing and moved onto Instruction texts. On Monday, we found a bag of magic beans at school and as we correctly sequenced and followed instructions, all planting our own magic beans! During our science lesson, exploring the sensory garden, we then discovered a nest with two Golden Eggs, Mrs Norman’s worried that a giant might be not too far away, searching for his lost possessions. Yesterday in English we trialled some simple and then more complicated sets of instructions to make origami animals. Some of us found this trickier than others but we all worked together and had fun!  We have been continuing to look at our 2,5,10and now 3 times tables in Maths.  

It is fabulous to see the progress all of the children are making in their reading, please continue to read regularly at home and well done to those at the top of the Reading Mountain this week! 

I will set a spelling and maths task through your child’s portfolio again. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 


Year 3 

We have been busy working on our addition this week and have been adding numbers that cross the tens and hundreds boundaries. In English the children have written their own fantastic versions of the Stone Age Boy story. In science we found out about how fossils are formed. We read the story Stone Girl, Bone Girl, which is all about Mary Anning and her fossil discoveries. We made our own ‘rock’ from salt dough that had dinosaur impressions in them. We learnt how to say hello and goodbye in our French lesson. In music we sang a song all about friendship, which the children really enjoyed. They have beautiful singing voices. In history we found out about the Bronze Age including looking at pictures of some of the artefacts that were found at Must Farm in Whittlesey. In geography we have continued to compare our local area to San Francisco by discussing the similarities and differences in the human features of the areas. In PSHE the children have been learning how to be good listeners and listen effectively when others are speaking.  

Just to remind you that if you want to see what the children have been up to and all the work that they have been doing, their books will be out in the classroom on Monday after school for you to come in and have a look at either at the end of the day or when you attend parents evening on Monday. If you have a virtual parents evening appointment on Wednesday you will also be able to view your child’s books after school on Monday.   


Year 4 

On Monday afternoon we walked to Blunt’s Orchard. We had great fun exploring the orchard and looking for all the signs of nature. We saw a goat moth caterpillar and lots of other small creatures. In English we used our experiences to write a letter about what we enjoyed and how we would like to improve it to make it an even better space. We have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 in maths – remembering that 5 to 9 fly to the sky. We learnt about Pompeii and what happened when the volcano exploded. In Geography we have been looking at our local area and how it has changed. We looked at the tramway, including a picture of the tram at Outwell which we recognised because the buildings are still there. We are still enjoying our music lessons learning how to play the recorder. We were very pleased to see Miss Radford back. 

(Lilah and Jacob) 


Year 5 

In Year 5, we have been working hard writing our observational poems in English, using a mixture of photographs, famous paintings and our own artwork/observations. We came up with a range of fantastic metaphors that helped to create vivid images! In maths, we continued practicing column addition and subtraction. We then went on to challenge ourselves by finding the missing numbers in calculations. We did really well with the missing numbers in addition but found the subtraction calculations a little trickier! For our PSHE lessons this week, we spent some time looking at the way in which we communicate and looking into self-awareness when describing ourselves, such as by giving honest descriptions of our own strengths and weaknesses. In our art lesson this week, we looked at Rococo designs and paintings and even had a go at copying some of these designs into our sketchbooks, focusing on accuracy and detail. Heads up... next week is assessment week! 

This week, Year 5 have also welcomed Miss Smith to the class, who is training to become a teacher. Children will have been sent home with a consent form today regarding Miss Smith’s assignments. If you are happy for your child to be included (see letter for more information), you do not need to do anything. If you do NOT wish for your child to be included, please message me.  

Homework club sign-up form:  

This is a quiet space for children to attend after school in order to complete their homework. Please only sign up for homework club if is it necessary (ie. if your child has not yet completed the homework tasks set). 

Keep up the great work Year 5 and have a lovely weekend! 


Year 6 

In Year 6 this week we have been very busy! We have finished reading War Horse (a few tears were shed!) and we have started our non-chronological reports on animals in WW1. In History, we have learnt about life on the Western Front and the role of women during the war. In Maths, we are working on our multiplication and division methods and applying these to problem solve. We have realised how important our times tables are, and why we need to be able to quickly recall the facts. In Science, we have learnt about how blood is transported around our bodies.  

Well done to all of the children who completed all 5 areas of their homework this week. We do have high expectations of the homework, just like we would in class learning, behaviour, attendance etc. We strive for the children to be the best they can be! 
Here is the link for next week’s homework club: 
This is a quiet space for children to attend after school in order to complete their homework. Please only sign up for homework club if is it necessary (ie. if your child has not yet completed the homework tasks set or need additional support). As always, I am happy to work with children during the week if they need it too. 

Don’t forget it is our trip to the Imperial War Museum Duxford next Wednesday! We are very excited in class. ✈ 

Have a lovely weekend everyone!