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Weekly Update 14th October 2022

Year R   

 In Kerr Class this week we really enjoyed another special visitor, this time, British Athlete Katie Stainton who helped us develop some skills needed for running, hurdling and throwing the javelin. We all enjoyed it very much! In English we looked at some of the books and characters created by Judith Kerr, who our class is named after. We have been writing lists of food that the Tiger would want for tea. In maths we have been doing lots of clever counting of different objects, making sure we are toughing or moving the item we want to count, so we don't count it twice.  

Our new sounds this week have been k - down the kangaroo's body, curly tail and kick. 

We also learnt our first diagraph or 'special friends' ck. We know that they are two letters making one sound and usually found on the end of words.  

We have also had time to squeeze in learning a very special song ready for the harvest festival next week.  I cannot believe we are nearly at the end of our very first half-term in school. Well done Kerr class, have a lovely weekend. 


Year 1  

This week has flown by! As always, we have been very busy in Year 1. In English we have been looking at adjectives and how we can use them to add description in writing. We have created our own monsters ready to innovate the Gruffalo description next week. In Maths we have been finding lines of symmetry and describing properties of 2D shapes. We have also worked hard in an extra Maths intervention all about mastering number, this week we have been looking at the numbers 6-9 and showing them as ‘5 and a bit’. We thoroughly enjoyed Olympic athlete Katie Stainton visiting us on Tuesday. We were able to take part in hurdle races and javelin! 

Thank you again for the super homework! I will upload this week’s shortly. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Year 2

The week took off to an awesome start with our visit from Olympian, Katie Stainton. She inspired many of us. In English we have been writing various instructions texts, looking carefully at the key features and making sure we include them. We received a letter from Little Red Riding Hood, we made little baskets and a sweet treat just like she had.  

In maths we have been investigating number bonds, really securing our understanding and fluency of these facts. WE use rekenreks and numicon to support our leanring.  

We have started reading The Twits by Roald Dahl, in preparation for Roald Dahl Day next Thursday. Although they are disgusting characters, we have really enjoyed finding out the different pranks the couple play on each other.  

In science we have discovered the various different types of animal's habitats, where they are and what they are like. We specifically looked at the orchard habitat and drew out a map of Edith Blunt Orchards. We then considered the different types of animals and creatures that live there and how they survive. Hopefully we will visit the orchard again next week and see what we can find.  

In PSHE.. 

It was a pleasure to speak to many of you this week at our parents' evenings and for you to have the opportunity to take a look at all of the wonderful work we have already completed. Thank you ever so much for all of your support already this half-term, please continue to learn your spellings, timetables and read at least a little every day.  

Have a great weekend! 


Year 3 

We have had a fantastic week this week. The children have all been working really hard. We have been subtracting ones and multiples of ten in maths, but this week we have been crossing the tens and hundreds boundaries. In English we have read the text, How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. We have been looking at instructions and how they are structured and the language features, such as prepositions and imperative verbs. We also had great fun following a set of instructions to make our own woolly mammoths! It has been assessment week so in the afternoons we have been busy completing some reading, maths and grammar, punctuation and spelling tests. But we have also managed to squeeze in some learning about e-safety and how to keep ourselves safe online. We have been finding out how the Bible has changed over time. In PSHE we looked at how to ask follow-up questions. And we mustn’t forget the training session that we had with GB athlete Katie Stainton, which the children absolutely loved. 

It was lovely to see all those of you that managed to attend parents evening and great that you had the opportunity to see all of the work that the children have already completed this half-term. We look forward to seeing you again at our open morning next half-term.  

Thank you for your continued support, have a lovely weekend. 


Year 4 

This week we have been learning our 7 times tables with Miss Davies and we’ve got a lot better at them. We’ve been doing assessments in grammar, reading and maths. These show Miss Radford what we are great at and the areas we need to work on. We have all tried our best and Miss Radford is very pleased with us. We really enjoyed the Olympic athlete Katie coming in to talk to us. She also took us for PE and showed us how to throw the javelin and to improve our running. In Maths we have been using our number knowledge to find other number facts and using our place value knowledge. In Science we have been classifying animals. We have learnt that whales are mammals; amphibians can breathe through their skin; some mammals lay eggs and chickens don’t have four legs! We are looking forward to the school disco tonight. 

(Freddie and Amelia) 


Year 5 

Year 5 have worked extremely hard this week, completing their assessments for maths, reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar. On Tuesday, Year 5 enjoyed their sport session with Kaite Stainton, a GB Olympic athlete. We took part in a group warm up and then had a go at hurdles, relay and javelin. Everyone was super impressed to see Katie's enormous javelin throws and many went home feeling inspired! This week, Year 5 also had their first lesson on puberty where we focussed on the emotional rollercoaster of puberty. We looked into the different emotions that can be experienced as well as ways in which to manage those feelings. Today, we have been practicing our songs for the Harvest festival which we are looking forward to, and also enjoyed an art lesson on 'Modernism'. We are also super excited for Roald Dahl Day on Thursday! 

Homework - Homework will be due in on Thursday 20th October as we are not in school on the Friday. Homework club will be running on Wednesday lunchtime next week instead. 

It was lovely to see so many of you at Parent’s Evening whether it was in person or virtual! We look forward to seeing you again at our ‘Crafty Cuppa’ and open morning next half term!  

Have a lovely weekend! 


Year 6 

Another fantastic week in Year 6, well done everyone! This week in English, the class have been drafting their non-chronological reports on animals during WW1, ready to edit and publish next week. In Maths, the children have shown such resilience and determination working with long division – it isn’t an easy method to get your head around for some children. In History, we have studied the Treaty of Versailles and the consequences of WW1 and then yesterday the children wrote their end of unit assessment piece on the causes and consequences of WW1. In PSHE, we have concluded our first aid skills unit. 

In addition to all this learning, we have had an inspirational visit from Olympic GB heptathlete Katie Stainton and been on our fantastic class trip to the IWM Duxford. Thank you again to all the parents who joined me for parents’ evening – either face-to-face or virtually – it was lovely to see you all and discuss how the children are settling in to Year 6.  

This week’s homework week will run from today (Friday 14th) to next Thursday (20th). Please ensure the identified homework tasks are completed by Thursday at the latest. Please note I changed the date on the homework sticker but I forgot to change the day.  

Coming up next week: swimming, Harvest Festival & Roald Dahl Day. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone!