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Weekly Update 4th November 2022

Year R   

What an amazing first week back. The children have settled beautifully and have been really engaged in all of their learning this week. They have learnt two new sounds e – cut off the top and scoop out the egg and l – down the long leg. We also recapped f – down the flower to the roots and draw the leaves. In English we have been looking at rhyming words and the children found this quite tricky. We also started our new text ‘Whatever next’. In maths we have continued to subitize focussing on 4 and 5. In science we learnt about sources of light and which ones are natural and which ones are man-made. We listened to different genres of music to see how they made us feel. In art we have been using oil pastels to draw and colour pumpkins and we have also been making Halloween spells trying to put the right number of ingredients into the cauldrons. We have had a really productive and successful week, well done Kerr Class! 


Year 1  

We have had a lovely first week back! We have been busy starting lots of new topics. In Maths we have been looking at money, identifying coins to 10p and adding coins together to make totals. In English we had a mysterious start to the week when lots of our story books went missing! We read Julia Donaldson’s The Detective Dog and think Ted or his brother Fred may have taken them. We wrote letters asking for them back and thankfully they all returned. Our new History topic is Discovering History. This week Miss Clark showed us the difference between past and present and we sorted pictures of things from the past and things in the present. Our new Science topic is Animals and their Needs. On Wednesday we began to look at animal classifications such as mammals, reptiles and amphibians. We found it very interesting finding out that we are mammals! To end the week, we started our new Art topic all about Line. We have been using and labelling different lines such as straight, curved, zigzag, wavy and spiral. 

Please keep reading as often as possible at home, I have been rewarding lots of Dojos this week which has been wonderful. I will upload a spelling and Maths task shortly. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

Year 2 

We’ve had an exceptionally busy week back after the half-term break! We've explored new learning in Maths, English and Science! In English we have been writing information texts about woodland animals, exploring their appearance, habitats and diets.  

In Maths, we have been learning how to add two 2-digit numbers using the column method and on Thursday we did this with larger numbers that required regrouping.  

In Science we learnt how animals are suited to their habitats and we explored a woodland and ocean habitat, discussing the difference. We also begun to look at food chains too. In PSHE, we have begun to look at Leadership and what qualities a good leader needs to have – perhaps our politicians should listen to Yr2! Our RE focus is now on Judaism and this week we have looked at the Shema Prayer and that Jews believe in one God who created all. As it is the time of year for fireworks, we have created some firework art to show how colourful fireworks can be. 

We enjoyed PE with Mrs Bull. We were doing gymnastics this half-term and used various equipment in the school hall.  

Earlier in the week we made poppies to be displayed in the church for Remembrance. 

Thank you for your continued support with our homework tasks. I honestly appreciate the time and resilience this can require and can see the benefits of this during our class work. Can I ask that you please try to upload homework to the task as this will help me to monitor who has completed it. Do not hesitate to contact me about anything and do this via dojo please. 

Have a super weekend! 


Year 3 

It doesn’t seem possible that we have already been back a week. It really has been a busy week and it has flown by! We have completed our work on using the formal written methods of addition and subtraction in maths. Next week we are moving onto multiplication and division, so a good time to practise those 2, 5 and 10 times tables in readiness. In English we have begun a unit of work on traditional tales and have been thinking about the differences between fairy tales and folk tales. In science this week we have looked at the cycle of the seasons and why we have warmer summers and colder winters. In history we have looked at where Egypt is located and why the River Nile was so important to the Ancient Egyptians. In PSHE we were thinking about different kinds of relationships and the ways that people care for each other. In computing we identified different types of personal information and who it is okay to share this information with and who it isn’t. We found out about the different features of rivers in geography. In art we have begun to look at some different types of Ancient Egyptian artwork. We have also made poppies which will be on display in the church for Remembrance. In French we have continued to practise how to introduce ourselves and ask and respond to how we are. For our RE lesson, we read the Bible story about Jesus calming the storm and thought about the lesson that the story teaches Christians.  

I think the children are all now ready for a well-deserved rest this weekend! 


Year 4 

We’ve been very busy this week starting some new learning in Maths, English and science. In English we have been reading and writing poems about spells. We have been using rhyme, words to make the spell good or evil and making up our own nonsense words. We have been learning how to add 4 digit numbers in maths. We have been thinking about what we do well and what we need to improve our method and adding. Some of us have also been solving problems. Today we have been solving problems involving penguins and putting them into boxes. In Science we learned how we are made up of tiny cells. We enjoyed PE with Mrs Bull. We were doing yoga. In history we learned that the Romans enjoyed watching the chariot racing and the gladiators fighting. They also enjoyed watching prisoners being fed to the lions. We made poppies to be displayed in the church for Remembrance. 

(Lexus and Aubree) 


Year 5 

It has certainly been a busy first week back! In English, Year 5 have started reading ‘Street Child’ which is about the life of a young boy named Jim, living in Victorian Britain. We have been using a range of drama techniques to explore the feelings of key characters and to look at key moments of the story in more detail. In maths, we have been learning about multiples and factors. Our times tables have been vital for this, which we need to keep practicing! On Tuesday, we had our first swimming lesson which went very well - we were very tired afterwards! Earlier in the week, we also spent some time making collage poppies to go in the church for a Remembrance display. Don’t forget school photographs are on Monday, as well as our 5/6 Crafty Cuppa in the afternoon! 

Homework expectations reminder: 

• Reading (minimum of 3 times) 

• Spelling practice (evidence uploaded to dojo) 

• Reading comprehension and maths workbook (pages indicated with a sticker) 

• Sumdog task 

Homework club form: 


Year 6 

This week has flown by, what a busy few days it has been. In English this week, we have been analysing, reading, discussing and performing Remembrance poetry. The children have certainly tapped into the emotions of war and the harsh realities of the soldier’s day-to-day lives. In Maths this week, we have started our next unit on fractions. We are working positively to ensure fractions are our ‘friends not foes’. Resilience has reigned this week; as we have identified equivalences, compared, ordered and added fractions. On Monday, we created our Poppy artwork to go on display in St. Peter’s Church. In Science, we have concluded our unit on the human body by investigating how our heart rate can vary during exercise. In P.S.H.E we learnt about life connections and why they are important.  

Thank you for your continued support with homework, I do appreciate the time and resilience this sometime requires. This week’s homework week will run from today (Friday 4th) to next Friday (11th). We do have high expectations of the homework, just like we would in class learning, behaviour, attendance etc. We strive for the children to be the best they can be! 

Here is the link for next week’s homework club: 

Coming up next week; School photographs (Monday), Year 5/6 Craft Cuppa (Monday 2pm), Class Opening Morning (Thursday 9am) & Remembrance (Friday). 

Have a lovely weekend everyone, enjoy a well-deserved rest!