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Weekly Update 18th November 2022

Year R   

What a crazily busy but productive week. We have learnt three new sounds this week!! R – down the robot’s body and curl over his arm, j – down the Jack-in-the-box, curl and dot and v – down a wing, up a wing (it’s a picture of a vulture). In English we have been predicting and making links using ‘Owl Babies’ as our text and in maths we have been learning and consolidating more and less. We printed the owl babies in art using pegs and pom poms and in music we created our very own ‘space’ themed piece of music using our bodies and voices to make the sounds. We have started to learn about the stories of Jesus and talked about who Jesus was and how and where he was born, this is in part, preparation for our nativity performance which in the latter part of this week we even started to learn the songs for. (I apologies in advance if this is now all you hear for the next 6 weeks!) As well as all this we have continued to learn about the planets and outer space and watched a recording of the rocket being launched into space, we were all amazed and helped to count it down. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Well done again Kerr Class! 


Year 1  

Another brilliant week in Year 1. 

We thoroughly enjoyed our Open morning on Tuesday. The children were very proud to show you their Phonics lesson and I’m sure you’ll agree, they were great. 

In Maths this week we have been looking at addition within 20, and counting on from a number to find the total. In English we are looking at non-fiction texts, learning that they are books with real information. Specifically, we are looking at non-chronological reports and started by looking at their features, comparing them with a story. 

This week in Science we learnt about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and we sorted animals into those groups depending on their diet.  

We have started practising our Nativity songs with Year R. If you would like to practise at home we have been singing ‘Listen Mary, don’t be scared’, ‘Bumping up and down on a camel’, ‘Dominick the Donkey’ and ‘Feliz Navidad’. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone! 


Year 2 

Good afternoon everyone, I am not sure where the weeks are disappearing to! We must have been busy this week because it has flown by! We have finished our Challenge papers which we started last week, I will be sending these home for you on Monday so that you can have a thorough look at the expectations at Year 2. We also started our English work on poetry and have enjoyed reading some animal poems and performing them to each other. In maths we have consolidated the methods for calculation having found this a little tricky during the challenges.  

In science we have now finished our learning after exploring underground habitats and we look forward to moving onto a Science unit on space. In music we have been continuing looking at the jazz piece “Sparkle in the Sun” and looking more at the dynamics of the music, also trying to get to grips with the lyrics.  

In art our topic is Colour Mixing and the children have been learning about the colour spectrum and which three colours are the primary colours, the three secondary and then the six tertiary colours. We have enjoyed mixing colours and a copy of the Knowledge Organiser for this topic will go home with the children today. 

In PSHE we continued to look at leadership and as a class we discussed, with the help of ‘The Incredibles’ whether a leader should do everything or learn to delegate jobs to those who are better equipped to do them. 

Our RE this week continues to look at God through the eyes of those who follow Judaism and our focus has been the Torah, which is the equivalent to the Christian bible. 

We have also been working hard on lots of other key skills that we do every week and I don’t normally mention such as practising the times tables we need to know, spellings of key words, letter formation in handwriting and reading skills. Speaking of which we hope that you will be able to attend our first Subject Showcase on Monday morning to see reading in action across the school. In the meantime, have a great weekend. 


Year 3 

Another Friday and another update. I am not sure where the weeks are disappearing to! We must have been busy this week because the children have even said how quickly it has gone! We have been writing our own fairy tales in English trying to include the speech punctuation that we learnt about last week. In maths we have spent the week working on learning and practising the three times tables and the related division facts. This is a key Year 3 skill and something that the children need to continue to practise and work on at home to become completely fluent in. In science we have been looking at the parts of a flower and learning about the life cycles of flowering plants. We found out about mummification and the beliefs that the Ancient Egyptians had about the afterlife. We compared the similarities and differences between The River Nile in Ancient Egypt with The River Nile today. We have continued to learn and practise using the vocabulary for musical instruments and the numbers to ten in French. In RE this week, we read and retold the story of The Good Samaritan and thought about what the story teaches Christians. This week has been anti-bullying week and the theme was Reach Out, we will be discussing this in more detail today. And we are all looking forward to doing some work about Children in Need too. We have also been working hard on lots of other key skills that we do every week and I don’t normally mention such as practising the times tables we need to know, spellings of key words, letter formation in handwriting and reading skills. Speaking of which we hope that you will be able to attend our first Subject Showcase on Monday morning to see reading in action across the school. In the meantime, have a great weekend.  


Year 4 

We’ve had a busy week learning all sorts of things. In English we completed our spell poems and then started learning about Macbeth by Shakespeare. We have also been learning how to use fronted adverbials and commas in our sentences. In Maths we are looking at multiplication. We are finding out that this is easier if we know our times tables. Today we have been using our maths investigation strategies to solve some more Penguin Problems. We enjoyed doing yoga in PE with Mrs Bull. In Geography we found out about Northern Ireland. In history we learned that a man called Hannibal used elephants in his battles against Rome. Rome won in the end and this started their empire. In PHSE we looked at how we can reach out to others if they are being bullied. Our ideas included talking to a trusted adult, talking to the child and making sure we were being kind towards each other.  

(Summer and Jacob) 


Year 5 

This week, year 5 have continued their work on Street Child in English. We have practiced retrieving key information from the text as well as making inferences about characters that we have met along the way, such as Shrimps. We practiced searching for clues and drawing on our own experiences and knowledge to support us. In maths, we continued to practice multiplying whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000 as well as solving a range of calculations using the written method, short multiplication. As it is Anti-Bullying Week, we have spent time discussing the definition of bullying, the various roles played by those involved in bullying and ways in which we can reach out to help others. In geography, we continued our work on mountains, learning about the Himalayas and why Mount Everest is incredibly challenging to climb to the top! 

Next week, we are looking forward to welcoming you into our classroom for the Subject Showcase on Monday, and our Y5 open morning on Wednesday! 

Here is the link for next week's homework club: 

 Have a lovely weekend! 


Year 6 

First and foremost, well done Year 6. You have truly shown resilience and dedication this week battling colds and illness.  

This week, we have enjoyed our next class novel, Varjak Paw by S.F. Said. We have been responding to what we have reading in many ways. Ready to write our own suspense stories next week. In Maths, we have continued to manipulate and work with fractions in many ways. This week, has also been our next assessment week, the children have been working hard in their papers to show all the fantastic learning they have been doing.  Next week, we will start going through our papers to look at our strengths and areas to improve. In History, we have started our next unit on the suffragettes, examining what British democracy was like at the start of the 20th Century. In P.S.H.E this week we have also learning about support networks and completed some activities as part of Anti-Bullying week.  

Here is the link for next week’s homework club:   

This is a quiet space for children to attend after school in order to complete their homework. As always, I am happy to work with children during the week if they need it too.  

As explained on my post previously, here are the links for the after-school booster sessions next week;  

Maths Booster:  

Reading Booster:  

Please check your parent messages frequently as I will message parents’ directly if I feel it would be beneficial for your child to attend the coming session. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone, thank you for your continued support.