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Weekly Update 16th December 2022

Year R   

What an amazing first term at school we have had. It has been super busy this week and I think the highlights include the amazing pantomime and Christmas dinner. Both wonderful experiences for the children. In phonics we have been revising and consolidating all of the set one sounds. The children should now know all of them. In maths we have been making numbers, spotting patterns, and continuing to subitise. In science we have consolidated all of our learning on the Earth and beyond and in art we have been busy making Christmas cards, baubles and calendars. In English we looked at the Disney short film ‘La Luna’ and discussed how we knew what the characters were saying and doing through their body language. We also looked at and wrote some descriptive language to describe the stars. We were very lucky to have the opportunity to watch the KS2 Carol concert, which we enjoyed very much. A very busy and successful term at school. Our topic for the next half term is ‘Long ago’ where we will be looking at traditional tales and events in the past including the Great Fire of London. We hope you all have an amazing break! 


Year 1  

Wow! We have finished our first term in Year 1! 

We have had a busy week full of Christmas festivities. On Monday we were able to watch KS2’s rehearsal for their carol concert, they were super! On Tuesday we had so much fun at the pantomime! We had practised our ‘He’s behind you!’ and ‘Oh no it isn’t!’ beforehand and that certainly came in handy throughout. On Wednesday we had our Christmas dinner. It was lovely to be in the hall with our whole key stage and teachers too. 

In English this week we have written instructions for how to trap an elf. I wonder if any of you can remember the instructions to see if you can try at home. In Maths we have explored time, learning and ordering the days of the week and months of the year. 

The rest of the week was busy with Christmas crafts and activities. We enjoyed making a tree decoration, Christmas card and calendar for the New Year. 

It has been an amazing term, we hope you all have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. See you in January! 


Year 2 

It has been a really busy final week in the run up to the Christmas break. On Monday we had the pleasure of watching the rehearsal for the KS2 Carol Concert and it was lovely to hear the children’s beautiful singing and also got to join in a little too. We had a fantastic time at the pantomime on Tuesday with more singing, a lot of laughs and quite a lot of shouting!! It was fantastic to see the children so involved and to watch their faces as they took it all in.  

We also all enjoyed our Christmas lunch on Wednesday. It was nice to be able to all be together to do this once again. We had lots of fun telling each other the Christmas cracker jokes and trying to work out the punchlines. We have been busy with some learning too and have secured our understanding of symmetry of 2 D shape and also reinforced inverse operations with addition and subtraction.  

We have also been busy finishing off some final bits and pieces for Christmas, including our Christmas cards and thoroughly enjoyed our final PE session yesterday.  We will make sure that the children gather all their belongings and Christmas crafts ready to bring home for the holidays. I am also sending a letter and some resource materials home for you to explore together over the break. The links below may be useful.  

It has been an exceptional first term, we hope that you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. See you in January. 


Grammar paper Mark Scheme: 

Maths Paper 1 Administration:  

Maths Paper 1 Mark Scheme: 


Year 3 

It has been a really busy final week in the run up to the Christmas break. On Monday we had our Carol Concert and it was lovely to hear the children’s beautiful singing and to be able to see so many of you in attendance. We had a fantastic time at the pantomime on Tuesday with more singing, a lot of laughs and quite a lot of shouting!! It was lovely to see the children so involved and to watch their faces as they took it all in. We also all enjoyed our Christmas lunch on Wednesday. It was nice to be able to all be together to do this once again. We had lots of fun telling each other the Christmas cracker jokes and trying to work out the punchlines. We have been busy with some learning too and have spent some time going through this term’s assessment questions. Yesterday we had a Lego day to cover our coding computing unit for this term. We built models and then used a coding program to make the models move in different ways. The children were fantastic at it and thoroughly enjoyed the day. We have also been busy finishing off some final bits and pieces for Christmas, including our Christmas cards. We will be rounding the week off with some PE this morning. Then we will make sure that the children gather all their belongings and Christmas crafts ready to bring home for the holidays. 

We hope that you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. See you in January. 


Year 4 

This has been a very busy week with lots of enjoyment in the build up to Christmas. We all sang beautifully at our Christmas Concert. It was great to see so many people joining us. We particularly like the animal song with the noises. We enjoyed the pantomime on Tuesday. It was very funny. Miss Radford spent the morning in Reception class and had a great time too – although she is glad to be back with us. On Wednesday it was the Christmas lunch which was very yummy. The turkey and roast potatoes were particular favourites. We have been finishing our Christmas decorations and cards, ready to go home at the end of term. Our class elf continues to be very naughty. This week he has smuggled himself out of school so he could go to the pantomime; spent the day in Year 3 and – most shocking of all – photocopied his bottom and put the picture on Mrs Norman’s desk! She was not happy with him! 

We wish you all a happy Christmas and New Year. 


Year 5 

It has been a very busy, festive week for Year 5! We sang in the KS2 Christmas Carol Concert earlier in the week, in front of our families. Our favourite song was the Animals in the Stable as we got to make some funny animal sounds! On Tuesday, many of us went to watch the pantomime 'Snow White' which we all thoroughly enjoyed - adults included! There were plenty of surprises throughout which has us all in fits of laughter! On Wednesday, we had our Christmas lunch in the hall. It was very tasty and lovely to enjoy a meal all together, along with the Christmas crackers and music. It left us all in the Christmas spirit! Throughout the rest of the week, we have been busy making Christmas cards using watercolour paints and calendars. We also made some pom pom Santa decorations to hang on the tree! Today, we have been busy making fabric wreaths! We are all now ready for the holidays to relax and spend time with our families. 

Homework expectations over the holidays (Due Friday 6th January): 

- Read at least 6 times at home (record this in reading records) 

- Sumdog competition 

- Spelling practice (Common Exception Words - on Dojo)  


We wish you all wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2023! 


Year 6 

What a lovely festive week we have had in Year 6. It has been very busy but we are definitely feeling the Christmas spirit. We have enjoyed Carol Concert, the Panto, Christmas Lunch, Celebration assembly and Christmas crafts (I’ve attached a photo of our Christmas rag wreaths that we made this morning). On top of this, we have completed our History end of unit assessment on the Suffragettes, Maths work on measuring and drawing angles and final copies of our letters to Santa. 

Homework expectations over the holidays (Due Friday 6th January): 

- Read at least 6 times at home (record this in reading records) 

- Sumdog Christmas tasks x2 (these are only short – please note these close on the 4th Jan) 

- Spelling practice (Common Exception Words) 


We wish you all wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!  

Thank you again for your continued support! 

See you in 2023!