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Weekly Update 27th January 2023

Year R 

We are zooming through the set 2 sounds and this week we have learnt two new ones, ‘oo - poo at the zoo’ and ‘oo - look at a book’. In maths we have been continuing to subitise and make 5 in different ways and this week we have been using 5 little speckled frogs to help us with our learning, sorting the frogs into on the log and in the pond. This was also the focus of our PE this week, we had 5 ‘frogs’ on a bench and we were jumping into the pond (blue PE mat) in different ways. In English we have been writing sentences to describe what we could have seen and heard if we had been in the Great Fire of London. We have also acted out waking up in the fire and what it would have been like in all the chaos of trying to escape the fire. This is also the topic for our history this week, we have been learning about how and where the fire started and how it finally stopped. In geography we have found England on a map of the UK and the capital city London too. We have been looking at and replicating the flags that make up the Union Jack and the Union Jack. We have continued to learn about solids, liquids and gases this week and some poor zoo animals got stuck in some ice so we had to work out how we could help to free the animals. In art, we have continued to create our own Jackson Pollock artwork. We have had a lovely week and we are really looking forward to all the special events of next week.  


Year 1  

A wonderful week in Year 1! 

In English we have been exploring the story Katie in London. We thoroughly enjoyed listening to the story particularly because we recognised lots of the places Katie went to from our Art lessons. On Friday Katie left her diary for us to read. It tells us her experience of her day in London. We think she would like us to write a diary so we’ve decided to learn about them over the next couple of weeks. In Maths we have been learning number bonds to 8 and 9 as well as looking at doubles. We had great fun making ‘double trouble’ in the classroom.  

In Science this week we learned all about clouds. Miss Kirk showed us how they are made by making a cloud in a jar! We also learned the three main types of cloud; cirrus, cumulus and stratus. 

In Art we are continuing to look at architecture. This week we looked at features of Southwark Cathedral in London, including gargoyles. We used clay to create our own gargoyles! 

PE will back to Thursday next week. I will upload homework shortly. 

Have a great weekend! 


Year 2 



Year 3  

Another busy week in Year 3 has been had by all! In Maths, we’ve been investigating measure, recognising millimetres, centimetres and metres and reading a ruler accurately. English this week has links with our history topic of Ancient Greece, as we’ve been sharing some of the well-known Greek Myths. In doing so we’ve been improving our questioning and reading for meaning and orally retelling the stories together. We discovered in History, how during the Persian Wars, the Persian army underestimated the Athenians in the Battle of Marathon. The Athenian, Pheidippides had to run 26 miles from Athens to Sparta seeking help and this led to marathon races being 26 miles long. 

We have begun to explore the concept of ‘Healthy Body, Healthy Mind’ with our visitor Sam and we have begun to understand what healthy eating is and why. The class were very engaged in this first session. Along with our dance class in PE, we have been really focused on health and fitness. 

In RE we continued our work about pilgrimages being special journeys and learnt why the Western Wall is important to Jews. We thought about special journeys we might like to take. In Science, this week we have learnt how the digestion system begins with the mouth and our teeth, and understanding the role teeth have in this process. 

Mrs Preston will be returning to Year 3 next week, so I would like to thank the children and Mrs Pickerell for all their efforts whilst I have been looking after the class, it’s been great working with these youngsters once again. 

Year 4 

We have had a fun week and worked hard (as always) to meet our learning objectives! In Maths, we have had a focus on division two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers. Some of us were using our initiative and showing great resilience in overcoming these mathematical challenges – something which we have been learning about in PSHE this week.  

In English, we are continuing to read through The Night Bus Hero by Onjali Rauf, and we have been focusing really hard on the characters and what these bring to the story. Everyone can comment on a character's personality and how these fits into the larger story! During PE, we were perfecting our high energy dance routine and all felt very tired afterwards, but not too tired to fully engage with our Art session where we were learning about Roman Busts. In upcoming weeks, we will be making our own clay artefacts.  

Year 5 

This week, we have been practicing our short multiplication in maths, in preparation for learning how to use long multiplication when multiplying 3- or 4-digit numbers by a 2- digit number, next week. We have also been practicing multiplying larger numbers using a grid method. This has been a great way to revise multiplying numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000. We are also super excited for our maths subject showcase and NSPCC Number Day next Friday! In English, we have been learning about the Battle of Trafalgar and the features of a newspaper report. This has linked nicely to our new history topic on the French Revolution, learning about Napoleon! In science, we have been exploring and learning about different life cycles. Last week we compared a newt and a chimpanzee. This week we compared a cuckoo and a bumblebee! We discovered some very interesting facts!  

Homework club form for Thursday 2nd February:  

Have a lovely weekend! 

The Year 5 Team 


Year 6 

It has been a really busy week because it has been our assessment week. We have completed all of our assessments and have also gone through them to see how we got on. I have been really impressed with the children’s attitude, the effort they have put in and the improvements that they have made from the last round of assessments.  

In geography this week we have begun a new unit about North America. We started by looking at the countries that make up the continent. We then looked at the main biomes in North America and at the Mississippi River. Our PSHE this week was about why it is important to recognise our strengths. We have carried on giving opinions about clothes in French. We completed another reading booster session on The Battle of Britain. We have also completed maths booster sessions about fractions and decimals. In spelling our focus has been on silent letters. 

As we have welcomed Mrs Johnson back this week, it is time for me to head back to Year 3. The children have been an absolute pleasure to teach and I would like to thank you and the children for all your support while I have been in Year 6.