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Weekly Update 24th February 2023

Year R  

It was lovely to see the children back looking refreshed and ready to continue some fantastic learning. We got things underway by learning the last two set 2 sounds ou – shout it out and oy – toy to enjoy. We have been reading and writing words with these sounds in and we have been really focusing on our letter formation. In English we have been looking at journey stories and we have been story mapping some famous journey stories and we have also been writing about our chosen method of transport that we would use to get to Australia, which is our new topic for this half term. We have started the topic by looking at different types of transport from long ago and transport for snowy places.  

In maths, we have been looking at making numbers greater than 5 in different ways and how to count and order numbers carefully, we have been making sure we recognise the numerals too.  

In art we have been looking at the marks and lines we can use to create texture in still life paintings of flowers. In PE we have started our new unit on dance and we moved like some Australian animals. The children have loved the new role play areas of a bush camp fire, and an animal hospital for Australian wildlife.  A great start to the half term 


Year 1  

The week has whizzed by in Year 1! 

In English we have been looking at the story of The Gingerbread Man. It all started when Miss Kirk brought some gingerbread men for her lunch, but when she went to show us, they had vanished! We thought it may have been the fox from the story so created some ‘Wanted’ signs and luckily he returned the biscuits. Since then we have been learning the story, acting it out and exploring the characters’ thoughts and feelings. We have had a mixture of Maths this week! We have been exploring place value so we have been counting in tens, comparing numbers and finding numbers between two multiples of ten.  

We have enjoyed starting our new knowledge topics this week. Our Science topic is Taking Care of Earth. Our History topic is Kings, Queens and Leaders and in Art we are now looking at style and narrative art. As well as of all of that wonderful learning, in RE we thought about how we think the universe was created. In PSHE we looked at making good first impressions and in Computing we are learning to use a keyboard and trackpad on the laptops! 

I think we are all definitely ready for the weekend! 


I will upload spellings and a maths task to your child’s portfolio shortly. Have a wonderful weekend! 


Year 2

We have had an amazing week! In English, we have been reading, writing and retelling the traditional tale of the Billy Goats Gruff, looking specifically at developing character and setting descriptions, which the children have really enjoyed. In Maths we have started to look at measures, in centimetres and millimetres, and I was really impressed by the children’s effort and the understanding they have developed during the week. In Geography our planned our village walk and weather permitting we will take a trip through the village and to Edith Blunt Orchards sometime next week.  

We have had a real push in guided reading this week too, focusing on comprehending what we read and making inferences. I am sure that the children have told you all about our Wizard of Oz reading race, where we earn points as a class based on the amount of reading we are doing at home. Last half term Year 2 did ok but we would very much like to try to win this half term’s reward so we would very much appreciate your help in making sure that the children are reading to an adult at home as often as possible, ideally daily.  

Thank you so much for all your help and support. 


Year 3 

We have had such a busy week that it already feels like we have been back more than a week! This week has been our assessment week where the children have completed assessment papers in maths, reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling. We have been reading and writing riddles and tongue twisters in English, which the children have really enjoyed. In maths we have started to look at fractions, as parts of a whole and I have been really impressed by the children’s effort and the understanding they have developed during the week. In history we learnt about the Greek Gods and Goddesses and linked this to the work that we were doing before half term on Greek myths. In science we began to look at forces as pushes and pulls and learnt about contact and non-contact forces. In Geography our new unit is about the countries in Western Europe. We located these on a map and used an atlas to locate and name their capital cities. In art we have started to look at architecture by studying The Parthenon in Athens.  

I am sure that the children have told you all about our Wizard of Oz reading race, where we earn points as a class based on the amount of reading we are doing at home. Last half term Year 3 did not do very well and we would very much like to try to win this half term’s reward so we would very much appreciate your help in making sure that the children are reading to an adult at home as often as possible, ideally daily. Thank you so much for all your help and support. 


Year 4 

This week we have been doing assessments in English and Maths. These let Miss Radford know what we know and what we need to learn. She uses them to help her plan what we will be learning in the upcoming weeks. She has been very impressed with how hard we have tried. In English we have been predicting who the thief is who is stealing the statues. We have been learning about how to find the perimeter of shapes in Maths. In Science we have started our learning about states of matter. We have found out the differences between solids, liquids and gases. Did you know that gases will fill the whole space available to them? – that's why smells travel so fast. In Geography we found ways we could travel to London. We also thought about what we would like to do there.  

We went swimming for the first time with the school this week. We all enjoyed our lesson and most of us remembered all the things we have to take with us. There is a lot to remember!  

I am sure that the children have told you all about our Wizard of Oz reading race, where we earn points as a class based on the amount of reading we are doing at home. Last half term Year 4 did not do very well and we would very much like to try to win this half term’s reward so we would very much appreciate your help in making sure that the children are reading to an adult at home as often as possible, ideally daily. Thank you so much for all your help and support. 


Year 5 

This first week back has been a busy, productive one! We have started completing our Year 5 assessments in Maths and English. Well done to those that completed some additional revision using the revision pack that was sent home over the holidays, the impact has been evident with your scores!! We will be completing our final assessments at the beginning of next week. In maths, we have been learning how to multiply fractions by whole numbers. In History, we began our unit on the ‘Transatlantic Slave Trade’ which has been very interesting! In Science, we started our unit on ‘Forces’ and looked mainly at gravity and the idea of forces being a push or a pull. Miss Riches was super impressed by how much we could recall from studying this in previous years! On Tuesday, we had our ‘Game Changers’ session which was all about mental health and wellbeing and the influence that physical activity can have on this. We discussed what makes a good teammate and put this into practice with a few PE games. We demonstrated some excellent Charlie Communication skills!  

Reminders for next week: 

  • Tuesday and Thursday – PE Kits will be needed for both days 

  • Friday – Dress up for World Book Day 


Homework expectations: 

  • Read a minimum of 3 times and record this is reading records 

  • Sumdog task 

  • Spelling practice (evidence uploaded to dojo) 

  • ‘Kindness’ Reading comprehension worksheet (to be handed in by Friday 3rd March) 

We will be returning to homework folders and workbooks next week. 

Homework club link:  


Have a lovely weekend! 


Year 6 

I cannot believe it is Friday, this week has flown by! We have got off to another great start this half term. In English, we have been planning, drafting, editing and finalising our newspaper reports on the Kristallnacht. They children have really embraced the emotion in their writing this week. In Maths, we have started our new topic on decimals; learning the different place value representations, adding decimals, subtracting decimals and multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000. In History, this week we have learnt about the deeper causes that started WW2 and we are really getting a detailed understanding of what life was like in Germany at the time. In PSHE, we learnt about what anxiety is and how this can look to others and feel to a person and we recapped how to communicate appropriately online during our E-Safety session.  

The homework folders have gone home again today, I have explained to the children in class about each piece. The weekly expectations are: is a new problem-solving Maths books, for the children to complete 2 activities each week, a reading comprehension (now on a4 paper), weekly spellings and at least 3 occasions of home reading.  

Don’t forget next week we are celebrating World Book Day, next Friday, please see Mrs Fisher’s post on the school story.  

Have a lovely weekend everyone.