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Weekly Update 17th March 2023

Year R  

 A slightly different week than usual this week, but the children have risen to the challenge of change and worked hard. In phonics we have learnt/refreshed one new sound - ‘wh - whisk, whisk’. In English we have been writing for different purposes including card inserts, labels and facts. We had to write some facts and descriptions about echidnas and wombats and their drawings of echidnas are just outstanding. In maths we have been finding missing numbers using our math knowledge and in science we have celebrated science week with the theme ‘Connections’. We looked at and used a cup telephone and we also made connections between Australian animals and made food chains. In art we have painted daffodils and made Mother’s Day cards and we have learnt all about why we celebrate Mother’s Day and we even had time to start our phonics assessments. 


Year 1  

Although this week has been slightly different the children have been super! In Maths we have been finding half and quarter of a number by splitting an amount into either 2 or 4 equal groups. In English we have had a big focus on handwriting, ensuring we form our letters correctly and are even beginning to join our writing! In History we have been learning about the Magna Carta and Parliament. This week we learnt that King Charles I did not want to follow the rules or listen to parliament which meant he couldn’t be King. In Science we looked at three types of pollution; air, water and land. This week in art we listened to the story of George and the Dragon. We then looked at different paintings to see how art can tell a story. 

Some of you may be aware that in Year 1, children sit a Phonics Screening Check. I have attached a letter about this to the post. This year it will be taking place in the week commencing 12th June. Please give this letter a read to find extra ways to support your child with phonics. 

I will upload homework shortly. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Year 2 

With two days of strike action this week, the children have worked exceptionally hard. In maths, they have been working on assessment questions which have included a variety of both arithmetic and reasoning skills. In English we have focused on spelling and grammar. In science we have had some fun since it’s Science week, but we have also completed quizzes and games which have checked our knowledge of previous units we have covered including The Human Body, Animals and their Habitats and Space. Today we finish the week today with some fun activities to celebrate British Science Week and Red Nose Day! 

Year 3 

Although we have had two days of strike action this week, the children have still worked extremely hard. In maths they have been working on reading scales in grams and kilograms. In English we have looked at how to identify key information and take effective notes. In computing the children have produced a plan for their own stop-frame animation which they are going to start working on next week. In science they have looked at what happens when two magnets are put together and how they can be attracted to or repel each other. In history they have been finding out about the Ancient Greek Olympic Games. They have also been finding out about France in their geography work. We have also continued to go through our recent assessment papers to look at the questions that the children found tricky. We will finish the week today with some fun activities to celebrate British Science Week and Red Nose Day. 

Year 4 

This week in Year 4 we have started our learning about fractions. We have been remembering the names of the parts of the fraction and what they tell us about the fraction. We have also been looking at fractions that equal 1 and counting beyond this. This is tricky because we have to remember to include the whole number. In English we have been planning our persuasive letters. We have been using different sentence structures using commas and conjunctives. In art we have started to make our Henri Matisse inspired paper pictures. We cut out the shapes we wanted because this is how Matisse made his art. We have been learning about evaporation in science this week. We also looked at the STEM jobs linked to Formula 1 racing and the science they use.  

Year 5 

This week we celebrated science week which has been all about 'connections'. As part of this, we designed out own ecosystems, thinking about how the animals and plants are connected. We also started planning an investigation into parachutes and the forces acting on objects. We are looking forward to carrying out this investigation on Monday. In Geography, we have been learning about the population of Australia and why it is so unevenly distributed (ie. more people living on the coast rather than inland). In maths, we have continued out work on decimals and equivalent fractions. In English, we have started planning to write a balanced argument about whether or not tables should replace books in schools. There have been some fantastic arguments both for and against this! 

Homework club form for next Thursday (23rd March):  

I look forward to seeing many of you at Parents' Evening on Monday, or virtually on Wednesday. 

Have a lovely weekend! 


Year 6 

Another busy week in Year 6, we have been planning and innovating our modern-day chapters of Around the World in Eighty Days. In Maths we have been learning about fraction, decimal and percentages, their representations, equivalence and how to convert between the different ones. In PSHE we learnt about online scams, their risks, what they can look like and what to do about them. In History, we learnt about the Holocaust and reflecting upon what it was and why it is important to remember such significant events. As this week is British Science Week, today we have learnt all about the connection found in science, the world around us and our day-to-day lives. We completed a great activity studying our fingerprints and how these are connected to use and unique to us all.  

Well done for this week’s homework, as always, I am more than happy to work with children during the week on any areas they need support with. Well done on the home reading too, we are still going strong with the reading race. Thank you for your assistance with these areas at home.  

Due to parent’s evening next week, there will be no after-school maths or reading booster sessions. 

I have also reposted the residential kit list today, as it will soon be time to get packing! 

Have a lovely weekend everyone, thank you for your continued support.