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Weekly Update 21st April 2023

Year R   

 Welcome back to our first week of the final term in Kerr Class, we have got off to a flying start by learning our first two set three sounds - 'ea ' cup of tea' and 'oi - spoil the boy'.  Our theme this half term is 'growing and changing' and our first text has been 'Rosie's walk'. We have looked at positional language in maths and we have completed the story map to help us write our own version next week with different predators and prey. We have started to create our own farmscapes in art, colour mixing different shades of green, yellow and brown to make the different colours of the farmland. We looked at how to keep us healthy in our PHSE thinking about, sleep, diet, hygiene etc. In PE we started to develop and improve our ball skills, we had to throw and catch a ball to a friend, and we then also got to try to control a ball using a bat. We also managed to squeeze in having our very first whole class photo, it made quite a picture. Have a lovely weekend.   


Year 1  

A busy first week back for Year 1! 

We read a lovely story called ‘Dear Dragon’ in English and have worked a lot on comprehension surrounding the book. On Friday Mrs Kirk received a letter from a pen pal just like in the book! We are going to learn all about letters so that we can reply. In Maths we have been exploring doubles and odd and even numbers, as well as counting in twos. We had an exciting start to our new Science topic, plants, with Miss Clark. We planted some cress seeds in different conditions and are monitoring them to see what a plant needs to grow. In Geography we are exploring the 7 continents and in PE we are focussing on Athletics. 

I will upload spellings and a maths task shortly. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Year 2 

Welcome back to our first week of the final term in Walliam’s Class, we have got off to a flying start by taking part in an NFER trial for reading earlier in the week.   Our theme this half term is 'growing and changing' and our first text has been 'Rosie's walk'. We have looked at positional language in maths and we have completed the story map to help us write our own version next week with different predators and prey. We have started to create our own farmscapes in art, colour mixing different shades of green, yellow and brown to make the different colours of the farmland. We looked at how to keep us healthy in our PHSE thinking about, sleep, diet, hygiene etc. In PE we started to develop and improve our ball skills, we had to throw and catch a ball to a friend, and we then also got to try to control a ball using a bat. We also managed to squeeze in having our very first whole class photo, it made quite a picture. Have a lovely weekend.   


Year 3 

I hope that you all had a lovely Easter break. It has been great to see the Summer Term begin with the sun shining! We have had a really busy week and it has flown by! The children have had a fantastic week in maths and have been developing a really secure understanding of how to add and subtract fractions. In English, we have been reading a variety of Kenning poems and looking at how they are structured and their layout. Our new history topic is about the Anglo-Saxons and we learnt where they came from and where in England they settled. This has linked to our work in art, where we have been looking at Anglo-Saxon artefacts such as the shoulder clasp found at Sutton Hoo, in Suffolk. We have started to work on our own designs for a shoulder clasp. In geography we have started to look at different types of settlement and the typical features that they have. We have looked at the main parts of plants in science and had a go at drawing our own scientific diagram to illustrate these. In computing we have looked at the advantages and disadvantages of using text and images to convey meaning.  

We have our class assembly in a couple of weeks on 5th May, so for homework this week please can you help the children to learn the words that they will bring home today. Spellings will also be posted on Dojo as normal and reading remains a priority, every day if possible. Thank you. 

Year 4 

Welcome back! We hope you all had a great holiday. It is obvious that children have been learning their tables because they are improving on their multiplication check score. The assessment is in June so we still have time to make their scores even better! 

This week we welcomed back Miss Davies. She is really pleased to be back with us and she could see how much progress the children had made. In English we are learning how to write a book review and recommendation. We started by looking at a review of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and we have started to write our own. In maths we are learning about decimals – we can already see the link with fractions. We learned about the country of Japan in geography and used an atlas to find information. In history we have met the first Stuart king, James I. He became king of Scotland when he was a baby. He later became the King of England and had the Union Jack designed. Homework focus is reading, times tables and the spellings on dojo. 

Year 5 

Year 5 have got off to a great start this term! We have been super busy and excited to have started some of our new topics. In English, we are completing a unit on Charles Dickens’ ‘Oliver Twist’ with a focus on narratives. So far, we have had practice comparing and contrasting characters as well as investigating further what it would have been like living in Victorian London at the time. In History, we started our unit on the Industrial Revolution. We found the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony to be quite fascinating as it was all based on the Industrial Revolution! In Geography, we have started to learn about New Zealand. In Science, we began our astronomy unit by learning about the Big Bang theory. In maths, we have come away from fractions, decimals and percentages (for now) to look at angles and shape.  

Homework expectations: Due Friday 28th April 

  • Maths workbook 

  • Reading comprehension worksheet 

  • Sumdog task 

  • Reading (minimum of 3 recorded in reading records)  

There will be NO homework club after school next week. Children may pop into class at lunch time on Wednesday for homework support if needed. After school homework club will resume the week after (4th May). 


Have a lovely weekend! 

The Year 5 Team 


Year 6 

Welcome back everyone and what a fantastic first week back it has been.  

I have been so impressed with the children’s attitude, engagement and effort this week as we have started our revision sessions. This week we have revised, place value, negative numbers, calculating mentally and written methods for addition and subtraction in Maths. In English, we are revising through our Harry Potter unit, we have revised word classes, sentence types/content/punctuation, justified our opinions with evidence, synonyms and antonyms and revised our reading skills. In PSHE, we discussed body image and media messages, looking at home this can affect how we feel and act. 

Our breakfast booster sessions have got off to a fantastic start this week, all children have really impressed the adults, showing dedication, motivation and enthusiasm in their sessions.  

Throughout this term, we will be watching Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as part of our English unit. If you wish for your child to not watch the film, please contact myself before 3pm Wednesday 26th April.  

We are back to our usual homework format for the next two weeks: 

- at least 3 entries of home reading 

-weekly spellings evidence on Dojo 

-reading comprehension 

-Maths problem solving activities  

Next Friday is our trip to King’s Lynn Fire Station for our Crucial Crew sessions. We will be leaving at lunch time, so the children will have an earlier lunch and we will be returning just after the usual home time. More details to follow next week.  

Have a lovely weekend everyone.