Weekly Class Update - 24th September 2021
Year R
In year R we have learnt 3 new sounds - i, n and p this week. In maths we have been learning all about the number 2, writing it, making it, finding it, one more, one less. Our text in English was ‘Goodnight Moon’ and we have been thinking about the little bunny’s feelings and rhyming words. In art we have tried to colour mix the primary colours to paint a planet. This week we also listened to lots of types of music, scary, sleepy, dance and happy and we composed our own space music using just our voices, the adults were very impressed. Mrs Norman was also very impressed with how much the children were learning and how well they were behaving when she came in for a visit!
Another exciting but tiring week in Teddy Class.
Year 1
Another wonderful week in Rousseau class. In English we re-read The Gruffalo and sequenced it. We then wrote sentences to describe what was happening at each part of the story. We are trying really hard to remember our sentence essentials: capital letters, using phonics, finger spaces, full stops, and to read it back. In Maths we have been comparing groups of objects and numbers using the language of ‘greater than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’, we even had a chance to use the symbols <, > and =. We learnt about Olly Organisation in PSHE this week and why it is important to be organised. We had a lovely first week with Miss Corbett, a student teacher, and feel very lucky to have her with us until Christmas.
Year 2
Year two have had an extremely busy and enjoyable week this week. We have continued to develop our instruction writing in English, writing instructions for a weird and wonderful sandwich, and following instructions in order to plant our magic beans. We also used alliteration to come up with some magnificent ice-cream flavours too. Mrs Norman joined us in class to see our super writing and was very impressed!
In mathematics, we have secured our understanding of place value with numbers up to 100 and had a second visit to Edith Blunt Orchards for one of our lessons.
In science we have recalled the names of the planets in our solar system and we will build our own mobiles next week to secure the order they are in.
We have had lots of children in Team Ace this week which is fantastic! It’s also amazing to see how many of you are reading at home every night and climbing our Reading Mountain. Dojos are coming your way. Keep it up!
The children have been so welcoming and extremely good in helping Mr Newman to settle in and he has asked that I tell you what a super first week he has had with us.
Year 3
It has been another busy but productive week in Year 3. We have a lot of budding poets who have been busy writing shape poems in English this week. We have been ordering numbers in maths. Yesterday we visited the chickens and learnt about their life cycle in science. And we even managed to say hello and introduce ourselves in French.
Just a reminder about homework for those of you who may have missed it last week. There is an activity grid on the school website for the children to choose an activity a week from. I have had some brilliant responses this week to the first task and I am looking forward to seeing many more. It has been lovely to see such a variety of responses too: from videos, to photos, to text responses about what you have been doing.
This week on Sumdog the challenge that I have set is times tables, for the children to really consolidate their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We have been practising these in class and some of the children are a little rusty with them so I would really appreciate your help in encouraging the children to complete the challenge and also if you could be working with them on practising these tables.
We have also been talking with the children about the importance of reading and even now that they are in Key Stage 2 it remains vital that they continue to read every day.
Year 4
We had our first spelling test today and we did really well. In English we have been writing suggestions for our own spells - with some horrid ingredients! We used 3 film clips to help us with this.
We have been learning how to count in negative numbers and 25s in Maths. We found rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 a bit of a challenge at first, but we used our Raj Resilience to keep going. Now we are experts - well, nearly!
In PE we have been running and jumping.
In History we have been learning about Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot. We can link the reasons for this to Henry VIII and the start of the Church of England.
We have also welcomed Miss Jee to our class who is working with us this term.
Year 5
Year 5 have had a fantastic week writing their recounts and summaries of Matilda as well as revisiting direct speech. We have been taking care when proofreading our work and making the necessary changes. I was really impressed with a lot of the vocabulary used and the initiative taken to find synonyms to uplevel writing!
In Maths, we have been practicing multiplication and division using formal written methods, as well as revisiting multiplying and dividing numbers by 10 and 100. We also enjoyed our work on Roman Numerals from 1-1000, despite it being quite puzzling at times!
In Geography, we produced some fabulous brochures promoting some of Australia’s famous landmarks. We were all shocked to learn that Uluru (Ayers Rock) was taller than the Eiffel Tower!
Again, we have been thrilled to see so many of the children practicing their spellings and keeping up with the reading at home. Let’s keep it up Year 5!
Year 6
Good afternoon everyone, another great week for Prospero Class.
We have finished our unit on the Tempest, with the children showing how much they have learnt in their detailed recounts. In Maths, we have moved onto our unit all about the 4 operations. This week, we have focused on addition and subtraction. The children have showed great confidence and prior knowledge with the method – even when using 6/7 digit numbers! Then we worked on our problem-solving skills looking at strategies to help us with word problems.
In History, we continued our work on the Industrial Revolution looking at the invention of the steam engine and how this has shaped our lives. We enjoyed making our Calm Capsules in PSHE on Wednesday and recapping our strategies to help us with ‘The Negatron’.
Today, we started our first assessment the children have worked really hard this morning on their reading paper and I hope their results reflect this. These results will help us to identify all of our strengths as well as those areas we can work on in intervention.
It has been great to see the children reading more at home and taking the time to learn their spellings.
Keep up the great work Year 6, have a lovely weekend!