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Summer Extreme Reading 2023

Each year we run a Summer Extreme Reading Challenge. During a special assembly this week, winners of the challenge were presented with special book prizes. Well done to everyone that took part.

Extreme reading involves reading in an unusual place or position. 

Benefits of Extreme Reading:

Being in an unusual place or position can make reading more exciting. If children are interested and engaged in reading, they will be more likely to develop their literacy skills.

Extreme reading ideas:
  • in a museum, art gallery, or shopping centre
  • on a trampoline
  • in the wardrobe
  • on a swing
  • with a pet/animal
  • in the dentist's waiting room
  • at the beach
  • on a climbing frame (hanging upside down?!)
  • underground (e.g. tube station)
  • in a tent or home-made fort
  • in the rain (using an umbrella of course!)