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Within this section of our website you will be able to find statutory information relating to Upwell Academy.

Statutory School Information

School contact details: Where to find it: Contact Us page

School Opening Hours: Where to find it: About Us page

Chair of Governors: Where to find it: School Governors page

Admission and Appeals: Where to find it:  Admissions and Appeals page

Publish the latest OFSTED report: Where to find it: OFSTED page

Publish exam and assessment reports: Where to find it: Performance Data page

DFE performance tables: Where to find it: Performance Data page

Curriculum Statement: Where to find it:  Curriculum page.

Curriculum Overview: Where to find it: Curriculum Overviews page.

Pupil Premium funding information: Where to find it: Pupil Premium page

PE & Sport funding information: Where to find it: Sports Premium page

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities: Where to find it: SEND page

Accessibility Plan: Where to find it: Policies page

Reading Scheme: Where to find it: Curriculum - Reading Scheme page

Phonics: Where to find it: Phonics page

Equality objectives: Where to find it: Equality Duties page.

Ethos, Visions and Values: Where to find it: Ethos, Visions and Values page.

British Values: Where to find it: British Values page.

Safeguarding and Prevent: Where to find it: Safeguarding page.


Paper copies of what is published on our website are available from the school office - please ask the office staff.