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We all recognise that active travel including cycling and walking can also contribute greatly to the amount of physical activity that a young person undertakes. 

We are really pleased to be able to continue to offer our pupils the opportunity to receive FREE Bikeability Cycle Training to help support pupils to feel confident enough to cycle more, whether it to get to and from school each day or recreationally in their own time with their family and friends.

What is Bikeability?

Bikeability is the Government’s flagship cycling training programme and is designed to give people the skills and confidence to ride on today’s roads. Bikeability has been adopted as the chosen cycle training scheme by all but two local authorities in England. 

  1. Delivered during the school day
  2. Bikeability training is currently being delivered in school to our pupils in Years 4,5, and 6
  3. It is delivered by professional national standard cycling instructors (not volunteers)
  4. Emphasis on training under real road conditions (not just on our playground)
  5. Three levels of training to encourage development of skills
  6. Approved by the Government (Dept for Transport & Dept for Health), British Cycling, Sustrans, Youth Sports Trust, ROSPA, CTC, Cycle training Standards Board (CTSB), Road Safety GB.

The government’s aim is that no child should leave primary school without the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training.  

Bikeability Levels  

There are three Bikeability levels;

  • Level 1 – is usually covered in a traffic free environment and teaches basic cycling skills for children from 7-9 years old
  • Level 2 – is covered on quiet roads but with real traffic conditions for children of 7 years or older
  • Level 3 – is delivered on busier roads for children of secondary school age and adults, who have already completed Level 2

Why is Bikeability Different?

Children can start Bikeability sessions as soon as they can ride a bike without stabilisers. It is recommended that beginners start with Level 1 so they can master their bike balance and control skills before moving on to Level 2, where they gain the skills and experience needed for making on-road trips.