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Our biggest asset and number one priority is our children. We focus on their development through high-quality teaching that provides a rich, broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum, full of enjoyable and memorable learning experiences.

Our Ambitious Vision is shared by all those who help contribute towards your child's education and therefore all staff and parents have a shared understanding of it. Everything we do as a school encourages each child to achieve their very best so that all pupils, in close partnership with parents (and all key stakeholders) reach for the highest levels of personal achievement and development possible. We genuinely care about each member of our school and view Upwell Academy as an integral part of the community.

Our Academy Vision:

Above all else, we want our children to be healthy, happy and safe.   

We will strive for every child to be confident readers, writers and mathematicians. We will instil a lifelong love for learning where pupils acquire and develop the necessary skills, knowledge and attributes to achieve their goals. We will empower caring and Active Citizens to make a positive impact in our school, in our community and one day, in the workplace and the wider world. 

This will be achieved through an aspirational curriculum, including the very best quality of teaching and learning; effective leadership; excellent pupil and adult relationships; grounded in pastoral and inclusive practices and with access to an ambitious provision that supports our pupils’ social, emotional and physical well-being. 

Ethos and Core Values:

At Upwell, we have six Core Values which underpin what we strive to achieve as a community. As such, these were committed to by our parents, our children, our Pupil leadership Team, our staff and the wider community.


Our values are embedded throughout school life, and all children, from Early Years to Year 6, understand our expectations in showing these values, both during learning and playtimes. 

TRANSFORM: We are open to change and provide the confidence and knowledge to succeed. Our children have a growth mindset and take control of their own learning and develop the ability to manage change and define their own destiny. 

EMPOWER: Our children take responsibility and are given a voice and confidence. All children and staff are provided with equality of opportunity to develop their self-belief to be the very best that they can be. 

We ensure that we lay a path for a successful future and provide the knowledge and self-confidence and belief to strive for goals. We provide hope and build self-reliance to provide a voice to make a real difference now and in the future. 

ACHIEVE: We provide a positive environment in which achievements are celebrated and where our children have hopes, dreams and ambitions leading to success. We provide quality role models and the confidence and tools to make real change that ensure our children believe in themselves and their capabilities so that they aim beyond the norm. No barriers will be placed in the way of success. 

MOTIVATE: We challenge, energise and inspire our children and colleagues to better themselves. Our children think positively and have a go-get attitude that enables them to be self-motivated and support each other to succeed. Children and adults will be inspired and motivated to set personal goals and will act as role models for their peers. 

CARE: We care about our belongings and each other. We respect differences and celebrate diversity.

ENJOY: We enjoy Academy life through our ambitious curriculum and we have fun!

When children are seen to be representing our values, they are praised. Children who consistently demonstrate Our Core Values over a week could earn a 'TEAM ACE' reward which is presented in assembly on a Friday. From October 2023, parents will be invited to our Celebration Assembly to celebrate with us.