Online Safety
At Upwell Academy, E-Safety is of upmost importance. We ensure that all children have the skills and knowledge to keep themselves safe online through regular E-Safety lessons and assemblies.
With the ever-growing ‘Internet of Things’, it is becoming easier for children to go online. Whether it is a computer, tablet, watch or games console, we all need to be aware of the risks and how to stay safe online.
Parental Information
Below are some links that the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) and Parent Zone have provided for parents to view and get more information about keeping your child safe online.
Internet Matters - Advice by Age
Common Sense Media - Parents Concerns
National Online Safety
The National Online Safety Website has produced a huge variety of useful posters with helpful information and guides to every day games, apps and sites.
A Parent's Guide to Internet Controls
Gaming Advice
Social Media Advice
Safe Search Engines
As part of our everyday practice, we encourage children to use search engines that are appropriate to them. Below are some examples of safe search engines; please encourage your child to use these at home.
We would like to share some information from the Police Digital Security Centre (PDSC) who are a not-for-profit organisation, owned by the police, who believe that the majority of cyber crime can be prevented by taking a few simple steps.
PDSC partners, ChildsafeVPN has created a set of useful infographics about cyber-safety aspects of the main apps and sites that young people may come across. These posters cover a variety of different areas; social media and its settings, cyberbullying, new devices, online safety tips and outlines some dangers surrounding popular apps.