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Traditional Sports Day 2024

One of the true highlights of week was our traditional sports day. Reintroduced last year, we welcomed the best turn out of families ever, who joined us to cheer on our children. They enjoyed a wide range of events from track racing, hurdles and sack races to the tug-of-war!

A huge thank you to Mr Best and young Miss Fisher for supporting Miss Ellington and Miss Payne with setting everything up and to the wonderful Mrs Scott, who organised our PA system this year! All of our children were amazing, the sportsmanship and comradery was fabulous to see. A special shout out to our youngest children in EYFS who were exceptional on the day and to all of the little ones that joined in for our toddler races too! Hundreds of great photos to be shared shortly on our gallery page. Children enjoyed a picnic lunch in the sun together and with you all and we thank you whole-heartedly for joining us and making special memories with your children.