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Weekly Update 03/12/21

Weekly Update 03rd December 2021

Year R   

This week we discovered that Evil Pea had trapped some of the vegetables under a shopping basket so we had to help them out. We have now learnt all of our set 1 sounds and so we have been reviewing and revising them this week. In maths we have been counting to, from and making 9. In PE we have been linking our gymnastics moves including a balance and a jump and in science we have been looking at why chocolate does not make a good material for a teapot or why a raincoat should not be made from paper. We have also been practising our songs for our Christmas performance next week.  


Year 1  

This week has really flown by! We have started looking at place value and numbers to 20 in Maths. We have been looking at how many tens and ones are in those numbers. In English we have been looking at Instruction texts and their different features. You may have heard about a dragon trap… 

In PE we have started a new dance all about the story The Rainbow Fish. We explored how we could move our bodies like coral, seaweed and little fish. We have been busy practising our Nativity performance and are looking forward to showing our grown-ups next week! 


Year 2:  

What a spectacular week! Everyone has completed their Year 2 challenges including our phonics screening assessments and parents will receive individual results before the end of the term. We are extremely proud of how well everyone has done and how hard the children have worked. There has been such a clear and positive impact of reading regularly, in school and at home. Thank you and keep it up!  

We have explored mummification this week and not spared any of the gory details - please ask your children about it, they thoroughly enjoyed it as did Mr Newman who had the pleasure of teaching it to them. They will mummify apples next week!  

We are continuing to explore money in mathematics and found adding pounds and pence a little more challenging and so will continue with this next week.  

I’m English, we are finalising our stories, and also commuting some time to rehearsing for our school performance which as you know, we hope to welcome you all into school for. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Remember, read regularly! 


Year 3 

It has been yet another really busy week in Year 3. We have been summarising and reviewing books in English. We have been working on our four times tables and the related division facts in maths. In art this week we were inspired by the pots that we saw at the Fitzwilliam Museum and have been drawing designs from Greek myths on our own vase shape. In PSHE we have been considering different types of relationships and thinking about what makes a good friendship. We also considered kindness and the types of kind things that we can do for others. We have even managed to squeeze some time in to start thinking about Christmas.   

To finish off the week we are having a computing day where we will be building and coding LEGO models. I am sure that the children will be keen to tell you all about this when they get home. 

Year 4 

In English we used sources to find out about Charles II coronation. One of the sources was the diary of Samuel Pepys. There were a lot of people there and the rich people wore lavish clothes and jewels. We have been focusing on the 7x table this week and learning more about factor pairs. We have been learning about inversion in PE. This is when your head is lower than your hips. In RE we made Diwali lamps and lit them with battery tealights. When we turned the lights out it looked really COOL! Geography was fun because we learnt how to use grid references and we drew a scale map of our desk. In science some of us were a little squeamish about finding out about the human ear. 

We have also been on Fenland Youth Radio all day singing 22 sleeps til Santa. 

(by Race and Ellie-Anne) 


Year 5 

This week, Year 5 have been busy writing their explanation texts on the Crusades. There has been some lovely joined handwriting too, with neat copies written beautifully in pen!  

In maths, we have been practicing using grid method as an alternative to long multiplication. We also just started recapping short division (bus stop method) too. We need to keep practicing our times tables in order to use these methods effectively! 

In science, we have been learning about the different layers of the Earth's atmosphere and the difference between weather and climate. We also looked into the different air masses that contribute to the UK's weather. We encountered a lot of new vocabulary this week! 


Year 6 

Hello December! This week we have been working hard on multiplying and dividing fractions. Learning all about Oliver Twist and life in the workhouse and finding out about the structure of a plant cell. Yesterday, we have a thoroughly enjoyable (but rather chilly!) day in the Gressenhall Workhouse, the children had a Victorian school lesson, learnt about life in the workhouse for an adult, worked on the farm, clean the laundry and tried some delicious drop scones in the Victorian kitchen. All whilst trying to discover who stole the silver candlesticks from the chapel! What a busy day, I think we were all grateful to come home to our nice modern heating and hot water!!