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Year 5 & 6 Bikeability

Bikeability is the Government’s flagship cycling training programme and is designed to give young people the skills and confidence to ride on today’s roads. Bikeability has been adopted as the chosen cycle training scheme by all but two local authorities in England.

This year we have extended our Bikeability training offer and in September Year 4 pupils took part for the very first time. This week two professional national standard cycling instructors (not volunteers) delivered the programme to our pupils in Years 5, 6. There was an emphasis this week on training under real road conditions (not just on our playgrounds). The government’s aim is that no child should leave primary school without the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training and we want our enrichment program to meet this goal for our children.

This was the most popular session yet with all 30 spaces filled. Well done to all of our pupils that took part. The feedback from pupils, staff and the instructors was extremely positive and we look forward to more chidlren completing the course next year.