Attendance so far in 2025 has been very mixed for many of our pupils, we do understand that we are now well into the winter bugs hitting our households.
However, we would just like to remind parents of our guidelines surrounding absence:
- Please inform the office of any absence, via email office@upa.eastern-mat.co.uk or telephone 01945 773220. Please do NOT use class Dojo as office staff cannot see these messages and you will still be contacted.
- Remember we can administer Calpol for minor aches and pains so if your child can come into school with the help of Calpol we will be able to top this up when safe to do so.
- We can only authorise 3 days of absence after this we will need proof of absence – either Dr’s appointment card or prescription etc. If no proof is given further absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
Please can we also remind parents, the gates open at 8.35am and close at 8:45am and any pupils arriving after this time will be classed as late and will affect their attendance.