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Weekly Update 25/02/22

Weekly Update 25th February 2022

Year R  

G’day, we have had a lovely first week back and we started our new topic of ‘Australia’ too. In phonics we learnt two new sounds ‘air – that’s not fair’ and ‘ir – whirl and twirl’. In maths, we have been learning and working out one more and one less. In English we have been reading ‘Possum Magic’ and we have been writing our own poems, including our own acrostic poems. Mrs Fisher was very impressed. In art we made a water colour wash of the Australian outback with Ayres Rock or Uluru in it too. In PE we moved like Australian animals and learnt an Australian animal dance. In Geography we found where we are in the world and began to identify where we are on a map of the world. We had to sort animals into different groups in science and we were very surprised at how good we were at that. Now we are all ready for a rest! Have a lovely weekend! 


Year 1  

This week has really flown and has been full of fabulous learning. In Maths this week we have been learning to count in 2s and 5s. We are getting more confident with this but it can sometimes be a bit tricky so we need to keep practising. In English we are now learning about non-chronological reports. It is a very tricky word to say! The report we are learning is about hedgehogs. I wonder if we can tell our grown ups any information about hedgehogs? Our new science topic is animals and their needs. We looked at grouping animals based on where they live and are looking forward to learning about animal classes and what they eat in future lessons. 


Year 2 

This week has soared by, I cannot believe it is Friday again! 

We have been busy in Maths this week finishing off our topic on data collection before moving onto exploring 2D and 3D shapes. In English, we have started our Traditional Tales unit, we have recapped our learning from Little Red Riding hood and Jack and the Beanstalk from last half term and we have enjoyed reading and beginning to write the story of the Three Little Pigs! 

In History, we have started our next unit on The Vikings! And in RE, we have been finding out about Sikhism and the special symbols that represent this religion and finally in PSHE we have begun to discuss Communication and how we might communicate to each other. 

Please continue to learn those key skills for homework – reading, times tables, our weekly spellings, number facts, Sumdog. These really do underpin a lot of the work we do in school. 

Have a lovely (warmer) weekend everyone. 


Year 3 

It doesn’t seem possible that we have only been back from half term a week! We have been busy measuring in mm, cm and m this week. We even managed to get outside to do some measuring in between all the wind and the rain! In English we have had great fun reading and writing tongue twisters and riddles. In science we have been thinking about how to keep our teeth healthy. In PSHE we were thinking about gender stereotypes. We have found out all about Japan in geography. In art we have been experimenting with different types of line. For the start of our computing unit about animation we made flip books to show how we can make a picture move.  

Please make sure that you continue to practise the key skills: reading at least three times a week (or every day if you can), times tables (2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 8’s) and spellings. It really does make a difference if all of these things are done regularly. I have also put a maths, spelling and grammar challenge on Sumdog this week, so there are plenty of coins up for grabs. 


Year 4 

This week we all started off a bit nervous because it was our first swimming lesson at school. We had a brilliant time and really enjoyed it. The instructors made the lesson fun and made us all feel confident. We have most fun with getting our swimming hats on! We are looking forward to going again next week. 

In English we have been learning about the features of newspaper reports – including the bad puns they use in their headlines. ‘Peaches and Scream’ for the news of the Giant Peach rolling over James’ aunts was the worst one. We are beginning to learn about decimals in maths. In Geography we have started to find out about Eastern Europe. In PHSE we are finding out about friendship and we all have an anonymous friend we have to look out for this next week. It has been quite hard not to tell anyone who are friend is – but we know it is important not to say because we are learning about the impact of kindness of other people. 

We are all getting much better at out tables. We do a weekly test and a few of us are getting 25 out of 25 regularly. Others are improving every week. We know the importance of learning our tables because it helps us in other areas like fractions, division and decimals. We have Sumdog, the Pixl app and games on to help us. 

Year 5 

Welcome back Year 5!  

This week, Year 5 started their English unit on suspense writing and have started reading The Wolves of Willoughby Chase to go alongside this. So far we have discovered that the protagonist (Bonnie) has a new evil to our ness named Miss Slighcarp. We are integers to see what happens next, once Bonnie's parents go abroad! 

In maths, we have continued to work with fractions, mostly finding fractions of amounts. Again, our times tables are vital for this. We have used Tackling Tables for division to keep these fresh in our minds!  

In Geography, we have started to learn about mountains and the different mountain ranges in the world. Next week we will learn about the alps in more detail! 

Please continue to practice spellings and times tables as well as record your reading in your reading records! Keep an eye out for Sumdog challenges too! 

Have a lovely weekend! 


Year 6 

This week has flown by, I cannot believe it is Friday again. We have been busy in Maths this week finishing off our algebra topic, we have been solving one and two step equations and finding pairs of values. In English, we have started our Harry Potter unit, we have learnt a lot this week about the author J. K. Rowling and her inspiration and ideas behind the stories. In Geography we have started our next unit on North and South America. In Science, we learnt about the different hormones and glands in our bodies and in French we have been learning the different rooms in our houses and how to describe them. In RE, we recapped the key beliefs of Hinduism and finally in PSHE we finished our resilience unit looking forward at being resilient learners and how resilience can help as we get older.  

It has been lovely to welcome Miss Barker back this week; she will be with us again until the 4th March. 

Please continue to learn those key skills for homework – reading, times tables, our weekly spellings, number facts, Sumdog. These really do underpin a lot of the work we do in school. 

On Monday we are having an additional PE lesson led by Miss Barker, please remember to come in your PE kits.  

Have a lovely weekend everyone.