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Our ECO Committee

Alongside Mrs Kirk, our ECO Coordinator, our ECO Warriors make up Upwell Academy's ECO Committee. 

At Upwell Academy we introduced our Eco Warriors in the 23/24 year. Pupils were able to have their say in how to address environmental issues within school and introduced recycling bins to each class as well as litter picking within the academy grounds.

Pupils have been involved in completing tasks and programmes on Energy Sparks, as well as understanding more about energy use in school. We enjoyed a visit from James from Energy Sparks who told us the importance of caring for our planet through an assembly about polar explorers, and pupils took part in a workshop exploring energy usage using thermal cameras. In the 24/25, we strive for our Eco Warriors to lead the way in choosing which programmes to complete first.

A whole school eco assembly is led once a fortnight, where pupils celebrate annual events such as World Wildlife Day and The Wildlife Trust’s 30 Days Wild challenge, as well as learning about climate change and ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Pupils at Upwell Academy have developed enthusiasm for caring for our environment, and we look forward to building upon this in this new academic year.  


Previous ECO Committee members include: