Our uniform consists of:
- Grey trousers or grey skirt/pinafore dress (grey shorts & bottle-green gingham dress can be worn for summer term and until October half-term)
- White buttoned shirt
- Academy tie
- Academy jumper/cardigan with the academy logo. (Academic year 2023/2024 we are trialling an alternative sweatshirt/cardigan with the logo - this is a cheaper option for parents. Both options will be available for the academic year and will be reviewed for 2024/2025.)
- Black formal shoes
For years 5 and 6, a black blazer with the academy logo is available.
Uniform can be ordered direct with our supplier and delivered for free:
Jeans and jewellery are not considered suitable for school wear. Studs or very small sleeper earrings are the only types acceptable and for safety reasons these must be removed for PE and swimming activities.
Physical Education (PE) Uniform
For PE, pupils need:
- Plimsolls
- Black shorts
- Green academy polo shirt
Please make sure all items of clothing and shoes are named.
Second hand Uniform
Please see below the list of current second-hand uniform available: