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Home School Agreement

Click to complete Our Home School Agreement 2023-2024

The Academy

We will do our best to: 

* Provide a safe, secure and caring learning environment; 
* Encourage your child to be the best they can be; 
* Develop in each child positive values and a caring attitude towards the school community and environment; 
* Provide a balanced curriculum which meets the individual needs of every child; 
* Set regular homework; 
* Inform children and parents/carers about what the teachers aim to teach each term; 
* Be welcoming and offer opportunities for parents/carers to be involved in school life; 
* Contact parents/carers if concerns are raised about work, behaviour, attendance or punctuality; 
* Have a clear and consistent approach to rewards and sanctions as set out in the Behaviour policy; 
* Communicate in a timely manner through letters, newsletters, website and meetings.


Parents/ Carers

I will do my best to: 

  • Encourage my child to do their best;
  • Celebrate my child’s successes with the Academy and attend parent meetings; 
  • Raise any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s ability to learn or behave appropriately; 
  • Support my child with homework and listen to them read regularly; 
  • Ensure my child completes any home learning set by the teacher
  • Support the school to ensure my child maintains good behaviour; 
  • Support all staff in their efforts to create a caring community which values children and their rights;
  • Ensure my child attends school, is punctual and properly equipped; 
  • Inform the school on the first day of absence;
  • Support the school in getting any help my child may need; 
  • Read all letters and messages which are sent home; 
  • Inform the school immediately of any changes to parent/carer and emergency contact details



I will do my best to:

  • Learn and have fun;
  • Work hard and listen carefully to instructions;
  • Come to school regularly and on time;
  • Follow the class and academy rules;
  • Behave well at all times and ensure the safety of myself and others
  • Be polite, friendly and helpful to other children and all adults;
  • Talk to an adult in school if I need help or if there is something I am not happy about;
  • Do my homework regularly and return it on time;
  • Ensure I bring my reading book and diary to school every day and wear the correct PE kit on PE days
  • Take care of the school environment and equipment;
  • Tell an adult in school if I am being bullied or see bullying happen to someone else
  • We will respect the environment through recycling and reducing consumption